Summer Rain

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Early Summer Rain” by: rob kistner © 7/3/24

  May winds whisper, to rumor summer’s arrival
in time to insure my frail humor’s survival

winter’s rains held firm and quite long this year
but stubborn skies at last begin to clear

gentle summer rains come soft bending to embrace
companion summer sun reaches warmly to touch my face

the seasons bow for this brief interlude
as if to hail my brightened attitude

seeds push eager sprouts through warm fertile earth
life giving rain cycles to this time of birth

apple blossoms pop boldly forth through ripened limb
rain-fresh waters push streams near full their brim

bird songs sparkle crisp through greening trees
fragrance of new bloom wafts softly in stirring breeze

all ’round summer leans in for boisterous spring
in the quiet sweetness, my heart begins to sing

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Apple Blossom Midnight”
by: rob kistner © 7/3/24

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at:Whats’s Going On


8 thoughts on “Summer Rain”

  1. Love the gentle mood of the summer rain and its magic touch making its arrival so welcoming. Beautiful words and artwork Rob. Thank you for participating.

  2. “the seasons bow for this brief interlude
    as if to hail my brightened attitude”
    And the delight is evident throughout your verbal images, your painting, and choice of songs. Made me happy!

    1. Thank you Susan! As much as I embrace my melancholy, I do enjoy when my “soul sun” breaks through the clouds, it makes me happy as well… 🙂

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