The Seekers

“Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history” – Plato

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Poets’ Reverie” by: rob kistner © 8/22/24

Quite mad in their special ways
they like the path unclear
the route unmarked

fond of stumbling in
fumbling through
finding their own way

engaged by the obtuse
they see grace and form
in brilliant imbalance

seduced by the fog
they seek the wonder
it certainly conceals

where they long to go
is always round the bend
farther over the hill

their ears prick
to sounds that call
just beyond clarity

to all these things
their souls are pulled
their minds are open

though the path winding
and the journey hard
ever on they seek

they know mystery hides
in the settling mist
around the curve

over the crest
just out of sight
truth’s clarion calls

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse


8 thoughts on “The Seekers”

  1. Hi Rob, this is a marvellous poem and it matches your artwork beautifully. Is DDE a trademark for an art programme? I don’t know much about computer created art as I only started painting last year. It’s all quite new to me.

  2. A positive message, Rob. We certainly need the seekers, those who are willing to journey because

    “they know mystery hides
    in the settling mist
    around the curve”

    Thank you for writing to the prompt!

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