The Universe

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) have published a comprehensive analysis of this largest three-dimensional map of the Universe ever created, revealing that six billion years ago, the expansion of the Universe began to accelerate. Bigger Bang!I



The Universe


lightless void
soundless vacuum

molten cores
mingled gasses
hurtling shards

black holes
plasma rain
liquid lightning

revolving orbs
in evolving orbit
with beings aboard

attractions — repulsions
magnetized masses
in precarious fragility

ever expanding
frozen dance of chaos
on the tentative edge
of balance

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020

Liquid Lighting” — A bit of poetic license, drawn from the fact that recent studies indicate that ice, hail, and semi-frozen water drops known as graupel are essential to the creation of lightning anywhere in the universe such conditions exist


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    Quadrille #114 – Poetical Magnetism


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  • 40 thoughts on “The Universe”

      1. Cosmology is fascinating, overwhelming, and quite beautiful Lisa. But in embracing the essence of cosmology, one must accept the truth of my final verse. Our universe, and the many others, experience continuous destruction and construction, constantly seeking and adjusting to maintain the balance — which is possible only with the chaos.

    1. I could feel the pull – in all directions simultaneously – in this one Rob. Admirable work.
      I had to pause briefly at “liquid lightening” to wonder: lightning?
      Either way, cool stanza, very cool poem.

      1. Thank you Ron. Also appreciate the catch my spell check fumbled. “Liquid Lightning” — A bit of poetic license, drawn from the fact that recent studies indicate that ice, hail, and semi-frozen water drops known as graupel are essential to the creation of lightning anywhere in the universe such conditions exist.

      1. Thank you Gillena… 🙂

        “…planets spinnin’ through space
        put a smile upon your face
        welcome to the human race…
        …isn’t it a lovely ride…”
        > James Taylor <

      1. Thank you De. I think perhaps the tentative balance of the universe is often overlooked by some eho think life, our planet, and the universe is indestructible — and so thinking, are fucking it up big time! JMHO. 🙂

    2. You snagged me at the “frozen dance of chaos”. You’ve accomplished what I always want to do with the quadrille, creating brevity and significance in short tercets. Terrific adjunct to COSMOS on TV.

      1. Thanks brother! Just wanted to see if I could describe the universe in 44 words. I also wasfeeling the need to embrace humility. Meditating on the universe does that for me.

    3. This is a great poem Rob. I love the images of the universe that you share here. We are all spinning and sailing on and on. I liked this …
      revolving orbs
      in evolving orbit
      with beings aboard

      We are here for the ride,…………….

      1. Thank you Dwight… 🙂

        “…planets spinnin’ through space
        put a smile upon your face
        welcome to the human race…
        …isn’t it a lovely ride…”
        > James Taylor <

    4. “revolving orbs, in evolving orbit, with beings aboard”…it’s a recipe for disaster, haha! To get deep, I do believe in the esoteric phrase ‘order out of chaos’ but perhaps there is always a balance to things in their due time. Kind of like karma. Great read!

      1. There is no order in the universe Tricia, because it is always in flu . But from the chaos of this scale and magnitude, comes either an evolving balance, or an end. We are still here, but maybe the end simply hasn’t reached us yet. It all boggles the finite mind.

      1. I was, in 44 words Kim, trying to touch the essence of the vastness of space, and how fragile we as human beings truly are. How even unbelievable it is that human life even exists within our solar system, within this massive universe. My hope was to bring about an inkling of awe, and a sense of the privilege we enjoy, and the deep responsibility we have as our part of this human species, to respect this almost inconceivable privilege — by being thankful, and by being careful with each other, and with this amazing planet on which we are travelers. I was hoping with this glimpse of awe, to stir just a small sense of humility and gratitude — the smallest seeds of peace and cooperation, to lessen the deadly arrogance and destructive entitlement we are given to exhibit. To neither dangerous attitude do we have any right, given our true insignificance in the whole of this universe. It’s just taken 171 words to even express what I was actually attempting to do in 44.

      1. Thank you Ingrid. If you look at my response here to Kim, you will get an idea of what my vision was for this. Perhaps way too ambitious, but there it is… 🙂

    5. Really enjoyed this one!
      “revolving orbs
      in evolving orbit
      with beings aboard”
      And those are the critical words and realization, right? How do we keep this earth tilted in the correct way, spinning gloriously rather than killing that thing that supports us?

      1. Absolutely Lillian! The other question I afforded with this verse — in all this universe, and the likely others, are we the only orb with brings aboard? hmmm… 🙂

    6. I assume that the cosmos is close to its end… most likely only a few billion years remain until it reaches us.

      1. Thank you Linda, and I like chaos a lot. I also like the word flux! Chaos is all of life and existence. It only appears orderly at times, and frequently, only from particular perspectives.

    7. You captured much in these wonderful terse tidbits. The universe and especially our world is such a phenomenal gift, an amazing existence. As far as preserving it and evolving to our human potential, I think we definitely dropped the ball.

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