Tracks Not Taken

~ Stomp blues in 4/4 time, accompanied by a slide dobro guitar. ~

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Tracks Not Taken” by: rob kistner © 6/18/24


Never did ride a train
I’d tried to once but in vain
did long distance on jet plane
no longer do ‘cause it’s a strain
that exacerbates my angina pain
I’m grounded but don’t complain
I don’t travel far from my domain
and if I really must I just — drive

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse


8 thoughts on “Tracks Not Taken”

  1. OK OK you made me giggle again (the funny rhyme, not the angina) ~ I have done trains in the US of A and in Europe. I must say it’s the only way to get from point A to point B especially in Europe. There is now a fast train operating in and out of Orlando that wasn’t there when I was. I need fly back for a visit and take the fast train down to Miami! Cheers, hope you can make Saturday. I know, it’s early. I will bring an extra mug of Joe.

  2. Personal words in your verse there…..but the train yes, is the best….great title by the way..

  3. I get that, Rob! Trains not for you at this stage. I am so glad you wrote this for us. Love the mono rhymes. ??

  4. Hi Rob, there is a lot of reality woven into this short poem. Very relatable as my father also can’t travel by plane.

    1. Sorry to hear about your father Robbie. Losing the convenience of air travel is not fun. For years, when I was with Lucasfilm LTD, I flew all over the country. Went from my office on Skywalker Ranch, and through San Francisco airport, 100+ times a year. I had United Airlines Premier Platinum Frequent Flyer status. Now I’m not able to fly – life changes.H

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