Two Winters

O h to frolick in the fallen snow
to feel it cruch beneath my feet
to see the glistening whiteness roll
and feel the crisp chill on my cheek
walking in this winter wonderland

it’s damned hard walking in fresh snow
my feet are soaked and totally numb
snowblindness certainly is no joke
and this Bell’s Palsey really is no fun
this winter wasteland is a frozen hell

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse

20 thoughts on “Two Winters”

  1. Rob,
    The rhyme, the rhythm, all work together so well! Alas, after the first snow, that white stuff loses its romance.

  2. This is absolutely stellar writing, Rob 🙂 I enjoyed both the perspectives on snow especially; ” the glistening whiteness/and this Bell’s Palsey really is no fun.”

  3. Your first poem made me think of Robert Frost’s “Stopping by woods…” I can easily see how it might turn out after miles to go.

  4. Haha, this was my experience of winter in Northern Slovenia: I enjoyed it for about 2 days and then I’d had enough. We ended up moving to the coast to escape it!

    1. You’re welcome Grace. I am a bit embarrassed by Two Winters as I kinda put it together half-heartedly just to meet the prompt — which I did not understand… but it’s not bad, and I appreciate people’s kindness.

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