
~ lest we ever forget ~






unfathomable images

the graceful glide
engulfed by the spire
in a roar of golden orange

horribly beautiful

perversely mesmerizing

devastating images
of madness

torrents of humanity
raining down
desperation their only escape

masses of humanity
to outrun the unbelievable

to be delivered
from the inconceivable

traumatic images

shrines of free commerce
by the unbearable weight
of their fragile significance
plummeting to earth
in a cloud of self-destruction

heartbreaking images

terrified souls
by the unbearable weight of the moment

staggering onward
to outdistance the surging roll
of all-engulfing
pulverized aftermath

courageous images

tireless heroes

those who were called
who served unselfishly

who gave the ultimate service

haunting images

wiped away
from the ashen-grey faces
of the traumatized throngs

now just masks of calamity

all made equal
by horror and grief

one nation
under siege
with tragedy and sorrow
for all

unforgettable images
burned into our hearts

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click each to check out more poems at dVerse:

    Descriptive Detail

    Tuesday Poetics: Making much of Madness

  • 10 thoughts on “Unfathomable”

    1. I mentioned elsewhere two dates are indelible in the attic of my brain — December 11 and September 11. I can remember my parents and visiting relatives huddled about the console radio listening to news of Pearl Harbor. Both dates changed forever our lives as we knew them.

      1. Terrible dates that live in infamy Bev. And it appears we’ve learned mothing. We are under the spell of horrible evil in this country, and we alone are responsible this time.

    2. And we are seeing an even worse tragedy occurring all around us and it feels a though we are about as helpless to stop it as we were those planes approaching the towers. We have the means to end it. I hope we do…

      1. It is remarkable Judy, just how short our collective memory truly is. This current attack is more diabolic in nature because it is coming from the inside, and blatant stupidity is what is allowing it to continue.

    3. So much changed that day… also amazing how much we let it change us… and I wonder how it will be described when everyone remembering are gone.

      1. Sadly Björn, with the horrid situation in my USA right now, with the surrender of civility and our complete loss of moral compass in my country — it is as if people have forgotten their pride in and love of America. We have allowed a megalomaniacal liar, and his greedy, elitist cronies to kidnap America — we have invited a racist, misogynistic, fascist to lead our country, and done so with little resistance, and to the great joy of a vast number of hateful, quite stupid people. Whatever the vision was of our forefathers, of a free democracy, where every person matters, and has the opportunity to become anything they are willing to work for — that vision is long gone. We are in a strange fog right now, from which will emerge a new, degraded reality of what America represents.

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