

Falling into a tangle
of vague thoughts
and near answers

slipping my grasp
tumbling jumbled
it careens away

down blind alleys
bouncing off suppositions
dodging conjecture
tripping over tongue tips

until hitting the wall


just why
did I
come in here?

while I’m here
I’ll close this window

what the…

well I swear
look out there
in the trees

how the…
the cat!

now I remember
why I came

now just gotta
find my keys

…now for a deeper satirical perspective…

Oh those
I no longer need those

I don’t see things
for myself
don’t read the small print
or between the lines

I mean

I simply let others
look for me
then they tell me
what they think
they see

that way
I save time
and bother

I just let others
tell me
what they think

I just glance
at the bold print
then I know
what I should think

like I said
it saves time

time I don’t have to waste
then thinking
for myself


I no longer need those

haven’t known
where they were
for years now


rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


24 thoughts on “Why”

  1. Thinking for ourselves is something society doesn’t seem to want these days. I like the direction you chose Rob. It is a witty satire of poetry that made me laugh too! The REM song is a great touch! Thank you so much for your kind words over at the Muse my friend!

    1. Society as a whole seems to flee from self-think, like it is, in the very least, annoying. At the extreme, an all-consuming monster. In doing so, we are letting the real monsters consume us. We are so distracted by the glitz bombarding us, we have lost our grasp of the gist of being a functioning society. And those who wish to control us, bend us to their dominance, love that we have become distracted and ineffective. They just keep feeding us more and more of Huxley’s SOMA. So sad!

  2. Thinking for ourselves is something that society doesn’t seem to want us to do. I like the direction you went here Rob! A witty satire of poetry that made me laugh too! The REM song is a nice touch. Thank you so much for your kind words over at the Muse!

  3. I can remember my grandparents, parents and and other family members having stimulating conversations round the dining room table. Differing points of view, respectful of each other .. I also remember the raucous laughter! Miss that.

  4. ha – I think it might be wise to read the small fine print. Who knows what is in it? I tend to think for myself and often think outside the box which annoys some people. There is a flow of consciousness in your words. We need to continue to think for ourselves or we become a society of robots. Just my opinion, for what its worth.

    1. Bravo True, I agree completely. Too many people, like the fool in the 2nd piece I wrote here, the satire, do not take personal responsibility for what they say and what they do. They do not live “on purpose”, not a purposeful, meaningful life — they stop reading the fine print that says… “hey, wake up, it’s not them, not the other person, it is you that is responsible for this world, and what happens in it.” So we all need to “put our damned glasses on”, open our eyes, and look… see… think… and act with responsible purpose!

  5. I just glance at the bold print
    then I know what I should think
    like I said it saves time

    Very true Rob, spot on! We have come to he point where we look at the essentials and the important ones. We get our things settled and not to bother others with the little details.

    1. I wrote this as satire. You offer one perspective Hank, and if it is a trivial matter, the Bood Print Headlines are fine with me. But I also feel the Bold Print is actually someone else’s evaluation of a situation. Something closer to the truth lies in the finer print, and it allows you your personal opinion on matters. So on important issues, I do not respond to the Bold Print — I need to dig for myself.

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