



my keys

my car keys

where the hell are my car keys
I’ve looked everywhere

obviously not everywhere

I can’t keep track of things
better find Kathy

thank heavens for the gift of voice
makes her more difficult to lose

unless we’re in Costco

woman enjoy a special gift
the gift of invisibility
my keys share that gift

if it’s not the keys it’s my wallet
if not my wallet — my notes
a pen
my watch
that phone number

a book
the tickets
my eye-glasses
those personal receipts

some damned thing is always lost
my life is search and rescue

drives me up the wall
and everyone around me — crazy

except Kathy
patience personified

what would I do without my wife
wouldn’t be only my things that were lost

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

…poem written in response to the writing prompt “Key”, found at Sunday Scribblings

here is another poem I wrote for the same prompt.