If summer heat is getting to you, here’s a respite.

Night Breeze
briskly clean
silky cool
it spills in
the open window
it slips satin silver
sly and sensuous
sheer and silent
as the moon
it wafts and tumbles
floats and swoops
in sweet refresh
it dances gently
up your arms
across your chest
to brush your cheek
encircles itself
soft upon you
in soothing
fond embrace
whispered rushes
fluttered breaths
like loving strokes
caress your skin
lilting tender
breath of comfort
zephyred fingers
toss your hair
from august’s torments
with crisp compassion
this night breeze
delivers true
rob kistner © 2007
Indeed Rob. A most refreshing draught of refreshment. I tip my hat to you, kind sir.
Brian –
Thank you my good man… and a doffed chapeau to you… 😉
Very cool!
Ka –
… 😉
Aw, ka. That’s what I was going to say!
Wow, I feel much better. 🙂 Very nice use of alliteration and movement. “zephyred fingers” was a very interesting word combinationand image.
Pepek –
ka is my wife. She sends these comments from her desk at work sometimes to be clever… 😉
I love her, but in this matter, she is disqualified — so your intended comment stands as “Very Cool”.
Thank you!
Constance –
Glad you feel refreshed… 😉
After reading how scorching my “August” poem read, I felt obliged to offer some relief.
Thank you for your kind words!
a refreshing poem–I wish you could send some of that night breeze (with a bit of rain) this way, we’ve in a drought and for the past week, a heat wave.
I love a cooling breeze, though this year we haven’t really needed them here.
Like CGP I would also appreciate some summer heat to need respite from!
It’s still early and already blazing and humid here. Your words helped a great deal.
Sage –
Glad you enjoyed it!
I’m ‘rain dancing’ as fast as I can… 😉
Juliet –
We seldom need them here — but I remember my sweltering youth… when we would lie in bed at night, basting in our own juices! …no fun
BB –
Thanks for visiting… 😉 …and be careful what you wish for!
Milton –
I am pleased I could help… 😉
Peace to you my friend!
I especially liked Night Breeze. I was just thinking the other night as the fan blew across my face of how wonderful that feeling is and you did such a beautiful job of capturing the very essence of it.
Lucy R.E. –
Thank you for your kind words! 😉
Ahh — the magic of a cool breeze…