that stretched beyond the road he’d trod
he would go forth this was his mind
but had no notion which way that was
the pathway left was sparse with step
the roadway right was traveled plenty
leaning low to great extreme
he examined close the evidence
it came clear that those who journeyed left
were light of weight with timid step
while those who traveled onward right
wore finest boot of heavy heel
he thought on this for quite some time
until at last he knew for sure
he started neither left nor right
but instead went straight ahead
he hacked and carved and blazed a trail
into the new for those who’d follow
wise in life possessed of logic
he realized to where he’d come
the threshold of a new frontier
too raw for the sated too brute for the weak
those that would survive and prosper
would be among the enlightened bold
it would be those who’d choose this trail
full of promise made by his hand
with spirit full and muscled zest
he whacked and chopped and cleared the way
for those who’d come who were empowered
to seize possibility — a bright new world
• • •
trail forked this spring morne
white-tails chose the woods instead
always more options
• • •
rob kistner © 2010
To boldly go… Often the place we’re looking for can’t be found by following in the footsteps of others.
What one finds on a well-worn path is the dust of others…
I have always admired a trailblazer! Magnificent piece, Rob!
Here’s mine.
You are most gracious Marianne… 😉
I like the fact that you chose neither fork but made your own path. To be honest that thought never even occured to me. It was a well done eye opener that made me think…what sort of sheep am I? Thank you for sharing.
You are most welcome Robert, and thank you for visiting and commenting — please, do come again… 😉
Great poem for this prompt.
We should never follow in someone else’s path it may not be right for us!
Just wonderful. To forge one’s OWN path can be harder, but is definitely more rewarding. Wonderful poem, Rob.
What this poem does is to make us really consider our choices, weigh them up then do our own thing, which I have come to realise is what I do, sometimes to my own disadvantage!
I also very much enjoyed the form and language of this poem, and indeed the picture above it.
Thank you Pamela for the kind words…
Thank you Mary…
I am pleased you found this piece engaging Viv…
I like that you made your own path. I think I do too, but hadn’t thought about that, lol. Great example of how to live life.
Glad this engaged you Diane — we need a few more “enlightened bold” in this day and age…
Very inspirational. I like that the subject is forging a new path, but welcomes other to follow (OR choose their own)
Here’s to the bright & bold — and I’m glad you found some inspiration in this work Twitches…
hi rob nice photo… amazing what we can see if we take time to look… and the ku filled with options perfect close must be the air
Thank you One-more-believer-piece-of-pie… 😉
It’s not so easy to forge one’s own path. There are so many diversions and detours along the way, but it’s worth a try!
Definitely not easy Keith, but bravo to those who have the courage to go for it — this world needs a bit of bold fresh thinking right now…
I’m with Robert about your choice of a unique path. We live in a black/white world, unless we decide to focus on the plethora of gorgeous grays. Trailblazers don’t always live to see the results of their decisions, but generations call them blessed… (or not. Depends on whether you’re an indigenous person!)
Great food for thought, Rob, thanks! Amy
Thank you Amy — and I call them heroes, and man do we need some right now…
I like the fact that your poem also points back to its creator who throws out a word or two and then watches each of us hack and chop our way to a new place and even more creation. It truly fits the prompt, the prompter, and all those who respond.
thank you Rob,
You are most kind Elizabeth, thank you…
Wonderful piece! Of course, a new path makes the most sense. Let’s see what happens with those who arrive upon this three-tined fork…
Appreciate the kind words…