~ my little buddy Blackee ~
Oh it’s fine that logic’s got beyond me
I might turn off my mind completely
sanity’s so very overrated
I don’t think it means much — you see
so who’s to say that I can’t fly
and whose right is it to question why
I wear my trousers inside out
it helps keep the pockets dry
I see you smirking at my hat
it’s aluminum foil — imagine that
it helps with my cell phone reception
and fascinates my trusty cat
although I think my sweet cat Blackee
wonders if perhaps at times I’m whacky
he looks at me bemused and startled
on days I dye my long hair khaki
yes I do lose track of time
days and weeks — is that a crime
you know — it’s all just one’s perspective
you’ve got yours — I’ve got mine
and I’ve a language of my own
like no other that you’ve known
my cat Blackee understands me
it’s all we speak when we’re alone
Blackee sings backup in a band
he tells me they are really grand
they sing all night in another language
so I don’t really understand
some girl made a song about him
I personally think it’s kinda grim
makes Blackee sound like he’s bad
he says it’s just this girl’s whim
now if you see me on the street
ignore the cowbells on my feet
it helps keep gawkers out my way
I’m not nuts — I’m just offbeat
but my little Blackee loves me
he tells me so — every day
and he believes that I can fly
he thinks the day’s close I finally try
rob kistner © 2022
Poetry at: Day 7 NaMoWriMo