Blue Ripples


M emories of you
ripples on a mirrored lake
rise and roll gently
into the golden sunlight
carry me on their blue crest

C lear blue summer sky
deep azure crystalline lake
cool breeze on my face
fresh scent of water lilies
ripples gently lap the boat

D rifting in the blue
your face floats soft in my mind
like ripples of smoke
rising in my memory
wafting into gentle tears

L ike blue herons soar
feathers rippled in the winds
my sweetest dreams sail
back through tears of memory
when blue skies smiled on our love


rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


36 thoughts on “Blue Ripples”

  1. your face floats soft in my mind
    like ripples of smoke

    These two lines weren’t directly about blue, Rob, but they were my favorites. This is a very touching piece… I feel deeply moved.


  2. Now that our ice has FINALLY liquified — despite the fact of last Friday’s (hopefully final) flurries — My Beloved Sandra and I can resume our regular walking route alongside Lake Memphremagog, which is finally getting some of its blue back. You capture those moments wonderfully here, Rob. Awesome work indeed.

    1. Thank you Ron! Love’s heart beats on the Vernadian border, beautiful! May it always for you and Sandra… 🙂 Now I have some important questions for you my friend. If you go from one end of the lake to the other, do you have to pass through customs? Do you need both a US and Canadian fishing license? Which country do the fish belong to? Do the fish care? This inquiring mind wants to know…

    1. Thank you Ricardo, very much! 🙂 I wrote songs for the years I was in my different bands — so I love writing songs. Been a lotta years ago! Needs the right music bed created, preferably using a keyboardist. My two favorite guys, whom I worked the most often with over the years, are now unfortunately deceased. With regard to being a song, it’s certainly got the concept, and enough words there to be arranged into an intro, several choruses/refrains, middle 8 bridge, and closing outro. Yes, all the words are there – just needs the polished arrangement.

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