Broken Wing
There was a time, not long ago, when I was proud of my country, this United States of America. My patriotism stirred when we were lead by a proud, intelligent, strong, black man. A man of principle and courage. A man who embraced truth. A man with a sense of decency, and a sense of humor.
But then my country broke my heart. We elected Trump. On the heels of a time of light and possibility, we have been dragged down into a time of despair and darkness. We let ignorance rule the day.
I still embrace the fading image of America. I still have hope. I still feel the reverberations of the time that was Obama. But now truth and liberty has a broken wing. When it is over, said, and done, it WAS a time — and there was never enough of it.
(Above is 144 words. Below are my fully expressed feelings)
There was a time, not long ago, when I was proud of this country we call the United States of America. My patriotism stirred when we were lead by a proud, intelligent, strong, black man. A man of principle and courage. A man who embraced truth. A man with a sense of decency, and a sense of humor.
It gave me hope that we, as a country, had turned a corner, and were going to move away from, and above the unfortunate and misguided hatred and stupidity that would rear its ugly head from time to time. That we were smarter and better
But then this country broke my heart, and enabled a racist, a bigot, a misogynist, a spiteful demagogue to take power — it elected the utterly unqualified Donald Trump to be our President. On the heels of a time of light and possibility, we have been dragged down into a time of despair and darkness – and it’s our own fault. We have allowed ignorance to rule the day.
I still embrace the fading image of America, but it is impossible to be proud of our leadership at this time in history. I still have hope, because I still feel the reverberations of the very recent time, when this country stood tall, when this country began to again lift and soar, the time that was Obama. But now truth and liberty has a broken wing. When it is over, said, and done, it WAS a time — and there was never enough of it.
Sadly, not nearly enough of it.
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rob kistner © 2020
Well said, Rob. You and I have written reams about the Donald, and are obliged to do so, as poets and patriots. Damn, your words reverberate in my skull..oh how I’ve needed those words; thanks.
Merril reminded me that I overshot the 144 words, but damnit Glenn, that asshat moron just stirs my vitriol.
Hi Rob–I agree whole heartedly–and unfortunately.
I think maybe you exceeded the word count though? Prosery pieces are not allowed to be more than 144 words.
Been too long Merril. I lost track of word count. I will attempt to edit to a 144 word version. This was more stream of “angry” consciousness.
There’s so much sadness and power and truth in this prose, Rob — my heart and soul weeped as I read. How did we get here? Will we ever recover? Hope is broken, but not totally demolished. Thank you for expressing the despair so honestly and clearly. It needs to be acknowledged.
You are most welcome MW! It feels like we are trapped in bad movie. It must end, one way or another.
You image teamed up so well with your story. Thanks for dropping by to read mine
Happy Monday
Thank you Gillena, nice to have you visit.
Very well written Rob. It is sad to see the decline in decency and working together as a whole rather than beating one another with each other’s leg bone! Only time will tell what the future holds and… again there is never enough!!
Thank you Dwight! 🙂 Mutual respect and cooperation used to be the norm. Then it started to erode. Now we have TRUMP!
I totally understand the fury. I feel the same way, and don’t even get me started on the stupid supporters and evil enablers. I’m hand-delivering my ballot.
Thank you for editing your piece for dVerse though.
You are welcome. Here in Washington state, as it was in Oregon — mail-in ballots are the standard, and have been for years now. There are also drive-up drop-in mailbox type receptacles that bypass Trump’s Post Office.
As we draw closer to the election, my hope is wavering a bit. Pre-election jitters. This is the most critical election I will experience in my lifetime and we must get it right!
Please come back for another look-see at my prosery. I had spaced out the 144 word requirement and now it is legal.
Trump is soooooo crooked Helen. He wants to be “President for life”!
You betcha Helen! 🙂
Oh well said! I hear you Rob. The next few months are going to be tough. Each day we hear something more shocking from this Idiot in Chief ????
Like he might use these mysterious PEAD’s to delay election results indefinitely if he loses, declaring fraud and a “national emergency”!? He already has his million $ supported planted as head of Post Office, openly warning some ballots may not make it “in time” to be counted. Can you say… DICTATOR!
So true, all of this, Rob.
Sad but true Ken. Something must be done.
From up here in Canada, where things are not spectacular but stellar compared to what it going on down south of us, I can only say I hope to hell people go out and vote that clown out. Well done, Rob
Well Dale, this will be America’s big test, Nov 4th our day in infamy — I hope the hell we shut that bastard’s evil mouth forever.
I’m so pleased to see you back at the poets’ pub, Rob! I understand how your heart has been broken by your country. It’s like watching the worst break-up ever from afar and there’s nothing I can do about it. And it’s all so public.
Thank you Kim. Nice to know I was missed, even if just a bit. So public ugly and unexpected. I am afraid we all felt elevated by Obama, and we lost our battle edge. We’ll get it back — we gotta!
I feel for you, Rob, and your compatriots who see Trump for the train crash of a human being that he is. Unfortunately, you are up shit creek with only one paddle, and it’s called Joe Biden. I hope that will be enough to turn around and row back.
There are several Democratic leaders I would pick ahead of Joe, like Gavin Newsom, and including Joe’s VP, Kamala. Anything but the Trumpster-fire!? Nothing on earth can make me vote for that morally bankrupt, greedy, dangerous, evil bastard demagogue. His disastrous handling of the ever-growing Covid-19 tragedy in this country points directly to what a piss poor leader he is — as well ad the stark lack of unity in this country. He is also a terrible businessman, with a long trail of failed enterprises in his wake. Not who I want making any further financial decisions for our country. He is dismantling the heart and soul of this country, and setting himself up to use the P.E.A.D.’s to steel the election again —in his twisted desire to be “President For Life”. That brutal, unauthorized attack he launched against Portland, Oregon will look like a picnic if that scumbag cheats his way back into office. Joe, with Kamala’s team on board, can regain the dignity and unity of this country — and hopefully the respect of the rest of the world… which Trumpty Dumpty has severely, but hopefully not irreparably, damaged.
This is so poignant. We must hold on to hope despite the overwhelming circumstances.
Sanaa, I am holding on to two-fisted hope — Joe & Kamala!
I hear you! I hope America hears you, too.
I sm shouting as loud as I can Misky… 🙂
Each new minute of Trump is like an eternity. Well said.
An eternal nightmare Kerfe! 🙁
Well said and true! We are all walking around with our broken hearts.
It is time to patch them up Ayala, and I know Joe & Kamala will do that.
Well said Rob.
Thank uou Linda! 🙂
This is wonderfully written, Rob, and speaks for so many of us…. let us hope enough of us to vote him out!! ( I find 144 words very limiting, and had to whittle and whittle my own offering.)
Thank you Beverly. I went ahead and posted my full feelings because 144 words did not sooth the fire I have in my soul with regard to the damage that the out-of-control Trumpster-fire Has done to the dignity and integrity of this country. Time to knock Trumpty Dumpty off his wall.
I hope that the end is coming for Mango Mussolino… but I fear that he has to be evicted by force.
Mango Mussolino, that would be funny if it weren’t so sad. He is thumping on those mysterious PEAD’s. I believe in his egomaniacal, demagogic fever he is going to try to use them, and his love for declaring National Emergencies, to manipulate things to his twisted will — and try for President-for-life! But if we have to use legal force to knock Trumpty Dumpty off his wall, so be it. I hope for the sake of our country, it doesn’t boil down to tactical force. He MUST be dislodged, and I trust Joe & Kamala can do it. I wanted Gavin Newsom and Kamala yo be our Ddmocratic ticket — but in hindsight, I believe they are keeping Gavin’s powder dry.
Well said. A sad reality. I feel it too.
The horror of our situation is inescapable Bill.