
…this is a love poem, that is also a yearning for honesty, in the face of our fundamental human tendency toward insecurity and fear…


photorendering entitled: “Liberated”




I want to see you
see you naked
naked — backlit by the sun

naked — in a mountain meadow

naked — running in the rain

naked — in a flower garden

naked — lying in the surf

naked — walking in a forest deep

naked — smiling on an autumn morn

naked — in a peaceful sleep

naked — in a redrock desert

naked — by a waterfall

naked — in a gentle breeze

naked — on a silvered night
silhouette ‘gainst a sterling moon

naked — folded in my arms
with your heart and soul laid bare
all your dreams and fears exposed
every pretense stripped away


• • •

rob kistner © 2010

…poem written in response to prompt #113, found at “readwritepoem”





he lifts himself quietly

so quietly

from beneath the sheets
soiled with neglect

makes his way

past the shallow-breathed crumple
that lay milky-eyed in a heap
un-moving on the floor

save a twitch of the sodden head

which head now harbors demons
where nocturne angels of sweet release
laid down lush upon her
in fevered embrace

lustfully conjured
by last night’s spoon and lance
still skewered
silver in the soured vein

he stops but for a glance
verifying life
then moves on

head down
he angles to the bathroom
to the scum-brown bowl
to wash his face

a face
lit sallow by the yellowed bulb
that hangs bare
and lonely

knowing eyes of sadness
stare back from the mirror
broken as his heart

in the dank foodless morning
of this ruined single room
he gathers up his books
steps lightly through the door
down the damaged stairs
into the hostile streets

with a childhood of strangled dreams

he ducks and dodges
in and out of shadows

his prayer
to once again avoid the evil

seductive as a smile

deadly as a snake

that lurks and slinks
among the garbage and graffiti
of these crumbled brickened canyons

which should diligence fail
will consume his youthful soul

deliberately he continues

until at last
he finds his way into the building
into the classroom
into his desk

into the only hope
to which this innocent dare cling

• • •

rob kistner © 2/4/10


…poem written in response to prompt #112, found at “readwritepoem”





into a grey tangle
of thoughts

of answers

with vague familiarity

I reach
but do not retrieve

they slip my grasp
in cruel torment
and tumble away


• • •

rob kistner © 2010






ever accelerating
in spiral linearity


escaping into the future
tethered to the past
ever captive in the now

• • •

rob kistner © 2010






what have I to say
that has not been said
so many times before
in so many ways unique

so here will be said
what has not been heard


in silence

• • •

rob kistner © 2010


This Fog


This Fog


it is forth from this fog
begins my journey

midst snares of habit
and chaos of distraction

provocative intrusions of impulse
their steely grip resolute
tug t’ward frenzy’s edge

yet clarity struggles
to find foothold

a tentative purchase
from whence a life
is launched and guided

confusion an insistent helmsman
steering a frantic manic course
and I a captive captain

blessed and cursed

set upon a wondrous quest
of worried fascination

ever charting port to port
troubled sea to troubled sea
on fragile footing

steadfast to overcome
to overcome
to always overcome

• • •

rob kistner © 2009


…I’m AADD with a compulsive element, and I’ve learned over the years how to manage my situation — this is a poetic reflection of my journey to understand and to cope…






especially car keys
reside in an alternate universe

not everyone is aware of this
but it is true

keys can crossover into our realm
and will
but this requires of us
a rather detailed ritual
involving cursing
combined with scowling
and at times shouting
the gritting of teeth
some degree of fist clenching
frantic lumbering from room to room
perhaps adding arm flailing
the turning of circles
and rigid glances to the heavens
to demonstrate earnestness

this generally is not sufficient
to recall the keys immediately
genuflecting becomes a major component
followed by deep bowing
to gaze suppliantly
under chairs
and dressers
large appliances
small might also be considered

be aware
it is not wasted endeavor to peer into the fridge
as it has been known to elicit positive results
though not often

keys still a no-show

then lifting of seat cushions is recommended
it appears to increase the power
of this prayer of reunion
tossing can be included for drama
some keys are drawn to drama

if still no sign of keys

then transition to the opening
and slamming
of multiple drawers
large and small
deep and shallow
and synthetic

don’t forget to include the bathroom
as keys sometimes choose to reappear
in most unusual and exotic places

still no keys

then move to the pocket searching phase
walking shorts
it seems the more clothing types one addresses
during this portion of the ceremony
the more effective it is in summoning the keys

the rite may also need to include
the repetition of a number of ceremonial elements
already completed

it is not clear precisely how many must be repeated
this particular part of the ritual
is a bit of trial and error
very frustrating
but sometimes essential in conjuring keys

occasionally so is retracing
portions of this journey of petition
the exact requirements
for satisfying this backtracking
is also ambiguous
use your best judgment

in fact
one must remain aware
this is not an exact rite of entreaty
perseverance is highly recommended

if the keys are distracted
or otherwise engaged in their alter-realm doings
it may be necessary
to include a pilgrimage to the garage
to perform an in depth laying on of hands
in scouring the car

often this will stir the key’s attention
and bid them come
for they spend quite a bit of time
when in our realm
in close relationship with the car

if all else has failed to beckon forth the keys
it may be necessary to solicit the cooperation
and participation of a loved one
to then repeat the entire ceremony

if one resorts to this partnering
as a part of the search and retrieval ritual
it is important to honor the chosen loved one
with praise and gratitude
and certainly gifts are not out of place

please know
at times it is necessary to make such offerings
prior to securing cooperation of a loved one
especially if one did a poor job
bestowing ones thanks and admiration
following a previous such ceremony of discovery
in which the said loved one jointly participated

this is not sacrilege
and occasionally will bring about early success
in calling forth the keys

once the keys make their appearance
it is tradition to exaggerate ones relief and joy
extolling the virtues of the keys
careful never to scold
exclaiming their importance
and to boast promises
proclaiming how you will stay closer
and better in touch with the precious keys
that this pledge of fidelity and improvement
is completely ceremonial
and will have no real impact on the future

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

…poem written in response to the writing prompt “Key”, found at Sunday Scribblings

here is another poem I wrote for the same prompt.





my keys

my car keys

where the hell are my car keys
I’ve looked everywhere

obviously not everywhere

I can’t keep track of things
better find Kathy

thank heavens for the gift of voice
makes her more difficult to lose

unless we’re in Costco

woman enjoy a special gift
the gift of invisibility
my keys share that gift

if it’s not the keys it’s my wallet
if not my wallet — my notes
a pen
my watch
that phone number

a book
the tickets
my eye-glasses
those personal receipts

some damned thing is always lost
my life is search and rescue

drives me up the wall
and everyone around me — crazy

except Kathy
patience personified

what would I do without my wife
wouldn’t be only my things that were lost

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

…poem written in response to the writing prompt “Key”, found at Sunday Scribblings

here is another poem I wrote for the same prompt.

The Window


The Window


outside my window
midday celebrates
alive with September sun
and the scurry of creatures
warmed by late summer

in splendid voice

the chuff of tree’d red squirrel
blend with the song
and trill of birds

western bluebird
and others

and flit

cracking the black-oil sunflower seeds
that spill from their feeders
under the patient eye of a red-tailed hawk
casually calling
from the top of a Sitka spruce
swaying in the crisp blue sky

woven into this sonic tapestry
the muffled belling of a deer
wandering in the safety of the old-growth
whispering in these foothills

the quiet bark of a neighbor’s dog
echoes through the basin
up along the stream
signaling its curiosity
reminding me we have friends nearby

the soothing rustle of leaves
large and small
stirred by the breezes
waft through this valley
smartly punctuated
by the staccato of conifer cones
that fall from time to time
wrested free by chickaree
and chipmunk
chattering high in the Douglas fir
busy with their forage

wap wap wap

they strike the ground
and bounce off our roof

closely followed
by the scamper of their liberators
crunching their way
to the heart-meat of the cone

the delicacy
that elicits this furious industry

I sit by the open window
with tea
and fascination
mesmerized by all I behold

by the heady fragrance
drifting in


morning glory

and more

a rich earthy bouquet

I breathe deep
free a smile

and marvel

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

…poem written in response to “Eavesdropping” prompt #2, found at Read Write Poem





whomp whomp whomp

a mystery
voiced in the thump of blades
pounding urgently overhead
stirs my imagination

perhaps a screech of tires
a metallic crush
the scattered crackle
of fractured shards
were the precursors
of this percussive intrusion

suddened upon me

maybe a violent soul
forced an aberrant will
upon innocent unsuspecting
to be foiled by fate
or foolhardy valor
and now flees on foot

pursued overland

even as I wonder

or lurching blooms of rolling fire
leap from fir to fir
rushing wind-driven

hotly tracked
by the dousing smother
of this mechanized savior
thundering on high
intent to squelch the roaring destruction
feverishly consuming
the tindered old-growth
that surrounds this place
in which I dwell

whomp whomp whomp

the churning growl
and relentless roar
circling, circling, circling
in dopplered pulse
worrying aloft

drawing me upward
in fascinated speculation
anxious conjecture

until it slowly fades
trailing off into the afternoon
my curiosity in tow

leaving me
once again alone
in daydreams

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

…poem written in response to “Eavesdropping” prompt #1, found at Read Write Poem

Twilight Approaches

In the news, 11 April 2008 14:49

“Terry Pratchett ‘angry’ at Alzheimer’s diagnosis”

I have a friend of many years, who received this same diagnosis as author Terry Pratchett. When I came across this sobering headline above, it put me in mind of my friend.
Inspired by Terry, I wrote this poem remembering my friend, caught in the horrible grip of Alzheimer’s

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Twilight Approaches


this morning’s sun comes crisp and bright
enfolding my waking in warmth
and vivid presence
the world fresh and fascinating

I embark toward noonday
the joy of discovery palpable
senses saturated and alive
blissfully consumed

by a deep satisfaction
that permeates this afternoon
my soul is full my mind is clear
my heart — overflowing

as dusk descends upon this place
with heady grace and expectation
my stride is smooth and steady
the downing sun — a gentle gold embrace

early shadows fall soft across my face
as vesper’s velvet blanket
drapes its comfort ’round my shoulders
splendid calm envelops me

yet there are other shadows
strange distractions
that disrupt my moments
they come unannounced – almost imperceptible

but there is still far to go
I am eager to journey
drawn by the beauty
that is the rising moon in sunset

facing into the evening breeze
I venture onward
rolling amber and coral
spreads across the horizon

again the shadows shift
dull confusion finds me
I lose my pace and focus
to draw up in momentary halt

nagging concern
disquiets me
a stab of panic
pierces my solace

unwelcome bewilderment
grips me
holds me
uncomfortable in my skin

a cloud of frustration
sweeps over me
obscuring briefly
my purpose and destination

then the fog wafts
and again I see
across the veiled valley
my hearth & home

but I wander
and once more lose the path
as the mist settles
like a shroud

twilight is coming
much too quickly
and my concern
at first a nuisance — mounts

a gathering fear
gnaws inside
fear I will not make it home
before this sunset

I am afraid
to lose this light
I am afraid
to lose my way

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• I chose to write this piece to reflect the very early stages of Alzheimer’s when the individual is not certain what is happening and has not yet been diagnosed – but is beginning to become concerned, and the fear begins to rise.

In some ways, this is the disease at its most devious. It is manipulating the person, yet they’re not aware what evil is overtaking them.

This piece was written to emphasize that devious nature. Alzheimer’s is a sneak thief that subtly begins to disrupt our daily life, and steal pieces of time, creating a fractured reality — that gradually grows more and more unsettling. It then begins to rob us of our life-learned skills, our talent, our grace, and our dignity. Finally it kidnaps our memories, our loved ones — and then takes our life.

The stanzas are of gradually diminished size to reflect the diminishing nature of this killer •

…poem written in response to prompt #89, found at “readwritepoem”





his rant can be heard above the bustle of the homeward privileged
coarse ramblings from the rancid shadows
as fetid hands lift flame to spoon
and bring to boil the milk of his deliverance

he glides cold steel into the froth of sweet promise
still warm with transformation
to impale his demon with the blessed dagger
as silver-white dreams carry him away

gone – long before the battered wound will coagulate

• • •

rob kistner © 2009

…poem written in response to prompt #88, found at “readwritepoem”

…and one at Sunday Scribblings

My Hand


My Hand


I bring my hand
gently to your mouth
quiet your voice
for I am certain

if you loose your words
into this twisted world

they’ll be distorted

if you raise your song
over this deafened land

it will be lost

should your truth escape
into this barren place

it will die
of loneliness

if you free your love
in this frigid time

there will be no place
it can find warmth

save here
within my hand

• • •

rob kistner © 2009