Chaleur Parisienne

“To live without passion is to not live.” Molière

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Red Shutters Rue St Denis” by: rob kistner © 8/1/24

P assion
let it flare fire red
red as the shuttered windows
of Paris Rue St Denis
that conceal the carnally
on a starburst night

in the throes
of steaming conquest
ripe with release
coursing with hunger
for the tender flesh
of reckless passion

white hot
as a deflowered bride
burning with the lust
of an august first-night
impaled on the horn
of promise and desire

there will be no truth
in these minglings
only raw bleeding need
and the quenchless thirst
for bittersweet
forbidden nectar

when you hear
the hushed whispers
know that it was so
and so it will remain
in the lithe loins
of the skin slaves
fully aflame
behind Paris red shutters

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Paris Streetwalker”
by: rob kistner © 8/1/24

rob kistner © 2024
Poetry at: dVerse


15 thoughts on “Chaleur Parisienne”

  1. Oh…. a fiery poem indeed.

    “white hot
    as a deflowered bride
    burning with the lust
    of an august first-night”

    Lots going on behind those red shutters!

    1. Thannk you Mish. This was an unfinished draft from 2011. I was looking through my backlogs for something I might have written that included ‘Paris’, and this draft popped up — so I finished it and created a couple new pieces of digital art to accompany it. I have over 1,000 unfinished drafts from the 20+ years I have been posting online, so it is fun, and often rewarding, digging into my archives. 🙂

      1. Rob, you inspired me with your process of searching through your materials for “Paris” – what a great idea. I’ve been reminiscing about Paris trips because of the Olympics, and did my own searching, finding something I really liked but had never shared and polishing it up to post today. Thank you so much for including the backstory – you never, ever know how you influence someone else.

        1. You are most welcome Kim. I’m an old dog whose been scribbling then keystroking words since I was 16-year-old. I now do a lot of voice dictation. I just have so many scraps of writings around, that sometimes searching through inspires something. Often I find something I don’t remember I wrote. That’s always a pleasant surprise. I will be certain to go read your poem about Paris Kim. I look forward to it. I’m glad you find my treasure hunting process is something that will work for you. Congratulations. Use it. Enjoy it. Peace… 😉

    1. Most of them are abandoned pieces I rejected Lisa, but there are some little promises — and even many of the rejected maybe have some line or verse. Many of them are Lyrics I began for my bands back in the 60’s that I tried in vain to turn into satisfying poems. The truth is I am never wholly satisfied with anything I write. 🙂

    2. I wrote a lot during the 60’s 70’s and 80’s. Not everyday but many many. In 1992 I bought a book entitled the artist way. It encourage you in there to write something anything every day, and I have since purchasing that book in 1992. That’s over 11,000 days that I have written something, maybe a line flashed through my head, sometimes the lines would turn into a verse, a verse often times turned into a poem. I have discarded much of it, but I still have over 1000 pieces of something large or small laying around. I love to write Lisa… most of it on my desktop Apple. 😉

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