Seven Chakras
I want to celebrate that we can dream. That we can see what is not there, but should be, and make it so. I want to celebrate that we can create a thing of art, simply bring into the world something beautiful, that wasn’t there before — and in being there, enriches lives.
I want to celebrate that we can conceive and contrive something that makes some important thing possible — where possibility did not exist, and the making possible elevates the quality of life.
I want to celebrate the human mind, the human spirit, and the human ability to believe — not because we always go there by logic, but rather we frequently go there by belief alone, and once there, prove the logic of the belief. And the belief can uplift and cure.
I want to celebrate the human spirit that says all things are possible — and sooner, not later! I want to celebrate that art and science are the self same journey to creation — that which improves lives both practically and spiritually. This world must celebrate both from a place of profound gratitude and pinnacle pride.
And the writers and lyricists, those that can employ simple language or song, to proclaim the profound, and easily take us there, to experience the inconceivable, to move us, to fill our lives with worth, with courage, bold thinking, and joy, and laughter, and tears, and learning — to squash the tyranny of conformity, to make us more intelligent free thinkers, and more whole … this I celebrate!
joined in possibility
make our miracles
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: dVerse
~ listen, and experience the miracle of spontaneous ecstatic human creation ~
The ability to create and express feelings and concepts in words and art is definitely something to celebrate, Rob. Happy New Year!
Indeed it is! Happy New Year to you Merril! 🙂
I love this celebration of creativity!
Thank you! It came through uninterrupted at a time when I was quite depressed, so I was very surprised Teresa when, when I read what I had written.
I want to celebrate all of this with you
Please do Ron, please do. 🙂
I love this positive view of the celebration of life, Rob. We do have so much to celebrate. And then you bring it all into focus with this…
And the writers, those that can employ simple language to proclaim the profound,
That says it all! Bravo!!
Thank you Dwight! I’d had a very down couple of weeks, and was not moved to celebrate. Then late last night… it was like automatic writing. Very freeing experience.
Stunning, Rob.
All best,
Thank you David. I had been stuck all day in an uninspired funk. Not exactly certain where it came from, but it was an ecstatic rush, that was coming as fast as I could type. I felt no pull to edit the final write, very unusual for me.
Rob, what a wonderful manifesto!
‘I want to celebrate that we can creat a thing of art, simply bring into the world something beautiful, that wasn’t there before — and in being there, enriches lives.’
Amen! I’m a believer 🙂
Thank you Ingrid. This bubbled up from an empty well of inspiration, that had been full of negative vibes. Perhaps it was me, chastising myself, to pull my head out of my ass — znd look to truly see. It was very cathartic!
Oh that verse is wonderful Rob!
Thank you so much Kim. It was an overwhelming, late-night release of a writer’s block. Felt wonderful.
Rob! You gave me goosebumps with this benevolent prayer. I believe it *is* possible to gain critical mass on interrupting the trajectory we appear to be on. It is going to take miracles and we *can* help make them happen — together.
I’m so glad you decided to write to the prompt.
I had nothing Lisa, then suddenly late last night, this came pouring out. I truly have no idea what sparked it. I believe it was because I could find no particular one thing to celebrate, and my emotions were down. It was like a ray of light suddenly cracked through my greyness — and then it flooded out in a sun burst. It was very ecstatic.
It indeed frees our souls to “squash the tyranny of conformity”, Rob. We’re each created unique…let’s celebrate that!
Indeed Lynn! 🙂
Celebrating all that is within us and the ability to express it in whatever form it comes! Happy New year! You express and celebrate very well!
Thank you Mary
Very inspiring poem overall. My favorite line is
“where possibility did not exist, and the making possible elevates the quality of life.”
Thank you tzvi! 🙂
To celebrate that we can dream…..wonderful…
Thank you Ain. Dreaming is the immediate gateway to creativity, whether conceptual or practical.
I always want to celebrate that I can dream, as dreams are the stories of the heart and soul. I want to celebrate the joys of simply being. The ancestors knew the importance of dreams and shared their stories upon awakening. We need to become a dreaming society again!
You have reached into a deep well of wisdom… dream on my friend and so will I. Maybe, we can dream a co-write start the wheels of a dreaming society.
Peace be with you….
When a society loses its ability to dream, to envision a better future, to imagine what can elevate its true quality of living — then it is a society, a people in decline. Dream on True.
A wonderful celebration of creativity. I think creativity and beauty pave the way to positive new beginnings.
Thank you Suzanne! 🙂
Beatifully done…such humanity and bearing of soul is vital….I very much like the style in which you did it, almost like a protest haibun…
My muse to me to a rallying place Ain. I think my muse a stern wink of the eye for me, as if to say, “lest you forget rob!”
Affirmation is good for the vision, like carrots for the eyes. How fresh the work now seems.
Thank you Brendan!
Rob, how wonderful to read these words this morning! Such joy! So positive and hopeful. Bless you.
Thank you Sherry! 🙂 WARNING darkness ahead here!
Creating things feels so good, especially in light of the sickness plaguing so many people. I love creating and enjoy others’ creativity as well.
It is wonderful Chtistine… 🙂