Captured Light

Original DDE™ surreal art: “Path of Captured Light” by: rob kistner © 11/18/24

We’ve watched golden fire clouds, hanging in the bright cerulean skies, here over the azure seas of our Toluras home. We have walked to anointment here, on the sacred Path of Captured Light. We’ve seen the copper leaves of the Parmus fronds, flashing from our Indigo Mountains, in the crisp crystal Gemin mists.

We have strolled quietly, hand in hand, in the lush emerald meadows of Telma, sharing its golden Angel Fruit, sweet as our stolen kisses. We’ve heard the haunting call of the coral winged Lellurt, in Droon’s violet skies, over teal Darpin Bay.

We have beheld exquisite beauty in our rich, full life — but none so breathtaking, my love, as your eyes tonight. Now fate deems I must go. If you find yourself lonely, missing me, look into the night sky. The eternal splendor it holds is our everlasting love.

so please, once more love
come look at the stars with me
they are beautiful

rob kistner © 11/18/24
Poetry at: dVerse


18 thoughts on “Captured Light”

  1. Nicely done, Rob! In my haibun the characters were looking at the Martian sunset, in yours you’re looking at the stars. I love the use of colour, and the names you invented. Thank you for the blast of Kantner and Crosby – one of my old favourites.

    1. Thank you very much Kim. I love to ponder concepts and possibilities such as this. It is similar to what I did as a young child, pondering infinity. I would run the string of thought so far out, I would have something similar to an out-of-body experience. Pondered no end, thrn no end of no end, and on and on. I would get to the point that I felt, even “saw” myself floating in the room, then above the house, then moving out into space. Used to scare the shit out of me, but I got so good at it, I was addicted. As I got older and more “reasonable”- I sadly lost the ability, and the related euphoria. 🙁 I have learned how to loosely self-hypnotize. It is similar.

  2. Very touching, pure, and dedicated to what is timeless. That last stanza/paragraph really stood out my friend. Superb.

    1. Thank you Ain. No matter the planet or solar system, finding the other half of one’s soul is a search we all undertake. We all seek to be complete. The mirror that reflects back true upon us.

  3. Love the sccenery you paint, it must be wonderful if we could explore all those amazing planets with someone we love.

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