Dawn – Two Looks

dawn is a feeling
a wonderful healing
the sunlight revealing
all darkness was stealing
from our sight
from our heart


Got inspired by Louise Glück’s poems about Dawn.
Took the word dawn, did the Google thing — ended up here.

Dawn – Two Looks



when the fire of love
flickers and dies
a shadow falls
in empty eyes
words of love
become but lies

that open door
of a tender heart
has quietly closed
‘round the fragile part

what once so sweetly natural
no longer feels quite right
the drift and fall so unseen
as but the passing of night

until one morning no dawn breaks
no tenderness nor warmth awakes
a loneliness encircles slow
you seek the one that you’ve loved so
you search their face in the predawn glow
whose eyes these are
you no longer know

~ ~


I gaze
through gossamer curtain’s fall
at a dark waking dream
of a polarized reality

dual worlds
close enough to touch
through which truth
stumbles blind
beyond reach

walking as a wraith
moving in these worlds
captive to the bonedeep lie
implicit in the toxic grin
of inflexible conformity

lethal tradition
revered in mindless trance


shackled cold
to the stone of fear


with a grip
rough as rope
at the shadowed edge
of dark and light
ignorance and knowledge


so far to go
so much to learn
rise from this night
beckon the dawn
someone needs
release the light

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020


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  • 40 thoughts on “Dawn – Two Looks”

      1. We can’t stop the waves of love can, but we certainly can try to redirect this societal disaster we are facing. Vote vote vote vote! Thanks for visiting again.

    1. I like your two dawn perspectives. The sadness is noted in both and the hope for a better dawn seemingly far away. But dawn will come one way or the other! Great set Rob!

    2. Cool poem! I like the “change” verses and especially how it seems you plant it right between dark and light, ignorance and knowledge. Change is uncomfortable but leads us out of the darkness all too often. A lot to think about in the verses here! 🙂

      1. I am pleased these made you think Tricia. Attempting to stimulate the mind, the heart, the soul, sometimes the libidos — these are always the focus of my writing… and at times, just to put a smile on a face. 🙂

    3. wow Rob maybe because you found this a struggle this is really very powerful … showing the dark struggle in both the personal and societal!

      sadly grief often tears couple apart when they should be supporting each other … as for the blind over there, we can only pray they see the light!

      1. Thank you Kate. The human folly is that running awsy from a struggle makes it all easier. Truth is, it too often makes it a disaster. Oh well, we tend to choose the road more traveled, and miss the true beauty, the miracles.

      1. I love beautiful, uplifting poetry about nature and love Grace, as is evidenced in my posts. However, on this brace of poems I was going for searing truth. But the plea at the end of the SOCIETAL piece was sincere — someone indeed needs to beckon the dawn and release the light in this dark world, especially in my country, the USA.

    4. I enjoyed all of these Rob, especially the last one:
      ‘captive to the bonedeep lie
      implicit in the toxic grin
      of inflexible conformity’
      I love the phrase ‘bonedeep lie’ – and if there was ever someone with a toxic grin, we know well who that is. Let’s hope we can release change from the shackles of fear!

      1. Thank you Ingrid. We must send that lying fear monger packing. The tome is upon us to do it. Release that light of truth, dignity, and integrity, and blind that bastard into oblivion — forever!

    5. the personal poem feels so tender and painful. the slow reveal of pain is beautifully shown.

      for the societal poem, the refrain of change felt like drum beats getting heavier and heavier as it is repeated. powerful, Rob!

    6. Both looks are mesmerising, Rob, the deeply personal sadness and disappointment of the first one, with the ‘open door of a tender heart… quietly closed ‘round the fragile part’ – so touching – and the wider despair of the second one, especially in the lines:
      ‘moving in these worlds
      captive to the bonedeep lie
      implicit in the toxic grin
      of inflexible conformity’.

    7. Oh my gosh, Rob, you have outdone yourself with this prompt! I LOVE both the personal (which was so very sad as the meaning became clear and was said in the end) and the societal. These words in the societal one resonated with me:

      with a grip
      rough as rope
      at the shadowed edge
      of dark and light
      ignorance and knowledge”

      These are both powerful writes!

    8. This is very powerful. I like the imagery you use and the way you connect the personal with the societal – we are indeed at a place where the darkness needs to give way to the dawn.

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