
Some may look at the painting below and see winter — I saw much more.

Art by:Fay Collins


Human ignorance
has prevailed

COVID was victorious
it has wiped out
much of human life

years of struggle
and strife

the ones
the “Cove” didn’t get
were wiped out yet
in the plethora of wars

the mask wars
the vax wars
the race wars
the tech wars
the water wars
the food wars
the fuel wars

the no-more-war

like a dumpster fire
after dumpster fire
of unbridled desire

atrocity after atrocity
of brutal ferocity

devastation after devastation
with little hesitation

humans were fools

mindlessly wielding
devastating tools

ignoring the rules
of nature

their destructive hand
polluted the land
poisoned the seas
destroyed the air
they just didn’t care

they even have the earth
reeling it their wake
making mistake
after mistake

see the barren soil
the brittle dead bushes
the spindly leafless trees
the absence of all plant life

the great mandala turns
the earth burns

all that covers the ground
is a green
moss-like fungi
poinous to humans
if there were any humans

there are not

their remains rot
in grey gnarled piles
spread over miles

no animals remain

gone insane
driven by cupidity
endless fevered stupidity

humans managed
to wipe them away
day after day
‘til everyone of them
gone from the planet

even these hills
once teeming with forests
are frozen

they had been warned
and over
and over
and again

and then…

they blew it
we knew it

this is a portrait
of human arrogance

when we replace them
any alive
we will erase them

the damage they’ve done
will be undone

we will be far
far better stewards

they failed
we will not

when the earth’s toxicity
has finally abated
we will land
and expand

we will terraform earth
back into the paradise
we first encountered
many millennia ago

restore its beauty
restore its worth

we have watched
we are patient

we knew they would
destroy themselves

they couldn’t
just wouldn’t
help themselves

we are the Brin
coming again

this time
we stay

rob kistner © 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

Poetry at: dVerse


Read more about The Brin

22 thoughts on “Desolation”

  1. Love me some Brin. Maybe you could contact them and have them lend a hand ASAP. This poem is as real as a cut throat. as stark as a naked zebra. It’s a beat down, an ear punch. One can hope you are not prophet or harbinger, just a pissed off poet, tired of crying fire as flames dance on the horizon. Incredible rant.

    1. Thank you Glenn. The Brin are my pocket aliens, but they have their own minds. I’ll talk to them, see if they’ll help — but they are damned disappointed in how we handled things.

  2. A ferocious condemnation that humanity richly deserves, Rob. Let’s hope the Brin will relent and give the remnant a chance. The problem is we never seem to learn from our past mistakes. I love the way you use the empty landscape in the painting to build your prophetic indictment.

    1. I am seeing a dramatically apocalyptic vision lately Dora. Gonna take take a break between Thanksgiving and Christmas — I need to recharge my “positive” battery.

  3. I think the Brin definitely had your ear tonight, and now they speak with your voice, it’s a powerful piece, and the picture is haunting when we think about our future. I liked the list of all the different wars we have going on, the only hope is for the world to unite. Maybe it will click eventually!

    1. It is tough, but I think it may be more of realization than a vision Sarah. And like I commented to Ingrid, I think I am going to take a break between Thanksgiving and Christmas — I need to recharge my “positive” battery.

  4. Well, I agree with all the criticism you have levelled at us as a species, Rob. I like how you introduced the idea of a new species arriving from outer space to put things right again, which gave a sci-fi twist to your poem!

    1. I couldn’t ‘not’ see the desolation in Fay’s painting that I chose. It set me off Ingrid, and I think I am going to take a break between Thanksgiving and Christmas — I need to recharge my “positive” battery.

  5. This is such a deeply deeply poignant write, Rob! I especially resonate with; “when the earth’s toxicity has finally abated we will land and expand we will terraform earth back into the paradise we first encountered.” Yes!

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