



yes I said
do not touch
just go away
leave me be

while inside
I cried out
do draw near
stay with me

you are color
you are pure
you are joy
you are free

I am not
I am blank
I am beast
can’t you see

you are warm
I am frigid
I am torn
please don’t flee

you are breath
you are life
am I death’s

at the edge
of your love
I am either
— dichotomy

without you
there is much
you don’t know
about me

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2021


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28 thoughts on “Dichotomy”

  1. This is beautiful, Rob. You have captured dichotomy to perfection……..I read your poem “Grief” and am so very sorry for your loss. I dont think anything hurts worse. I know losing Pup was the biggest grief of my life, still there, though tamer, ten years later. Their love is so pure; we find it no where else as unconditionally. How you will miss him.

  2. Love and desire, push-pull, fear, loneliness, this is an honest description of what streams through when it comes to the messiness of it all. “At the edge of your love” is such a limbo to be in.

  3. A dilemma for certain … the last stanza of your poem left me feeling quite sad, she needs to know him.

  4. A wise woman who knows him well will give him just enough space. I know a couple who went through this, she knew he was panicking at falling in love. Once he admitted it, all was fine.

    1. That is the “happy ending” in this scenario. Sadly not all are happy, sometimes then imbalanced, perceived or real, erodes the relationship. I believe that significantly more relationships are imbalanced than we may want to believe.

  5. Hmm limbo is never a nice state the pull and push of heaven and hell are the strand for knitting brow and limbs

    Happy Sunday

    Much love…

    1. This person does not feel they carry their weight in the relationship. Makes them insecure, feeling like the lesser contributor. But in the end they feel sad that the dominant partner has not invested the time to allow the lesser partners strengths to flourish — which may be dangerously true. Remember, the lesser partner wondered if they might be death’s finality? Very unstable relationship.

    1. And Susie, it seems no matter how long you are together, the inner conflict surfaces occasionally. I call those private moments of quiet personal recommitment.

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