Dual Worlds

Behind this curtain, Chrissa at Sunday Muse, suggests 2020 unfolded.
~ exploding Pandemic, escalated racism, failed fascist coup in U.S.~

Dual Worlds


month after month
I gaze forlornly
‘cross pooled hatred
through diseased vert curtain’s fall
at a fractured mirror’s reflection
of a waking nightmare

a glaring hallucination
a pulsing passion play
of a polarized reality

dual worlds
close enough to touch
but too far apart to engage

through which truth
stumbles blind
beyond reach
or reason
or connection with either

walking as wraiths
through fevered empty streets
moving in these worlds
captive to the bone-white lies of both
implicit in their toxic grins
of inflexible conformity

lethal tradition
revered in mindless trance


shackled to the stone of fear
with a grip rough as rope


bound at the shadowed edge
of dark and light
plague and cure
repression and justice
ignorance and knowledge


but possible

so beckon the dawn
summon the morn
there is far to go
and much to learn
rising from this dark night

someone needs first
release the light

perhaps torchbearers emerge

~ ~ ~

Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

rob kistner © 2021


San Francisco 2:00 PM Friday in Summer 2020.

To check out more poetry at The Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE

Check out yet more poetry in The P&ST pantry: CLICK HERE

36 thoughts on “Dual Worlds”

  1. An epic offering, Rob. You expressed horror, anger, frustration the world is experiencing, ending it with one of the best lines ~ ‘perhaps torchbearers emerge’ ~ I’ve read regarding the pandemic.

  2. Great poem as a whole, Rob, but this part is my favorite:
    “so beckon the dawn
    summon the morn
    there is far to go
    and much to learn
    rising from this dark night”
    I have faith in our young people. My kids seem so much more informed and willing to act on their knowledge than I was at their age.
    REM yes!

    1. Thank you Lisa… 🙂 This world is in need of light — the light of integrity, the light of intelligence, the light of initiative to make this world a better place.

  3. “perhaps torchbearers emerge”

    Will they lead us into light or walk away on their own? I wish healing upon you — the scars of 2020 to fade away.

  4. I did like to see the word and section on change. Much needed but what will make it happen? Your drone video was a good pick, but sad to see the streets so empty.

    1. The young torchbearers will make it happen Jim, you and I are already damaged — no matter how we might object. But I believe our youth might in fact have a chance to initiate change this world to an important degree.

  5. It is the anniversary of the ‘diseased vert curtain’s fall’, Rob, and although I’ve been stuck inside for most of it, it hasn’t dragged. On the contrary, time has flown, and I still find myself stuck inside, at least for another couple of months. You’ve captured this ‘waking nightmare’ in this epic poem, in which we are ‘close enough to touch but too far apart to engage’. The lines I find most haunting are:
    ‘walking as wraiths
    through fevered empty streets
    moving in these worlds
    captive to the bone-white lies…’
    ‘shackled to the stone of fear
    with a grip rough as rope’.

    1. I am pleased this resonated for you Kim. I too have been virtually locked down, save for 2 highly coddled trips to my doctor over this past 12 months, as well as an essential oral surgery. I took a 4th sojourn out a couple weeks ago, on Feb 12th, for my wife and I to get our first of the two Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations. My next, and 5th extremely careful trip out of the house in this past year, will be March 12th — when we get the 2nd of the necessary 2 Moderna vaccinations. I have high hopes that I will be able to then begin in April, moving safely, but cautiously, for short trips out of our house. I do not know what, if anything, will make me feel safe again for a more normal life of moderate travel. These are trying times, and not what I, or anyone in the world, had ever imagined would have happened, and for me, mark my last few years on earth. I still believe this is the natural world taking revenge on us for the magnitude of thoughtless, arrogant abuse we have inflicted on nature — whether that be a direct or indirect correlation.

  6. I keep telling myself (and writing as if I believed) there’s some tunnel-ending light out there, and I’m only just beginning to think I might be beginning to believe. Needle # 1 done, needle #2 a few weeks away yet (& My Beloved Sandra) about a week and a half behind me, so, um….maybe.

    Still, I have to keep reminding myself we’re not the only two worth caring about.

    Hunker on, Brother. Better days ahead.
    Great write, this one.

    1. Thank you Ron, and congrats to you and Sandra! Like you, I think the light must be out there, at least with regard to science and the pandemic — I must believe that, or have no belief — and I can’t let myself go there. As far as socio-political healing, I just don’t know. I have high hopes for Joe and Kamala, but as fof the Trumpaholics — I just don’t know. I grew up in a household and in a part of the country where racism was ever present, even though on Sunday the priest at mass said nono (after raping the altarboys) — the toxic fallout of passive racism fell upon me as a young person. At 74, and a lingering child of peace & love, I have done my best to try tell myself nono, and actively reinforce that within myself and my family — being chagrinned from time to time, how deeply I had been passively infected, and just how active the struggle must remain to overcome the conditioning. However, this past year has shown that for so many, active racial hatred is alive and a deep sickness. If their children can escape the indoctrination, perhaps racism, active and passive can be overcome. I hope do for it is ugly and highly illogical. That then leaves us with humanity as an active blight upon the planet. Is human gluttony and greed easier to reprogram than human hatred? They are both afliction of arrogance and entitlement, so I just don’t know — but time will tell. I know I personally will never see the final tally on any of this — but I can hope there be torchbearers, for my grandson’s sake. His parent’s are endeavoring to hold and share whatever part of the light they’ve been able to capture and nurture — in spite of my generation, and the generation before me. As long as the discussion concept of social and environmental justice stays alive — hope can stay alive. Amanda Gorman is certainly a bright light.

  7. Wonderful poem–this makes the screen feel more like a chrysalis, something that shows all the paths through which a collective could emerge, either a horror of wasps or a joy of butterflies (not the proper collective nouns); you captured the twitch of possibility and fear really well in this.

    1. Thank you Chrissa. The journey ahead for humans and for the planet, is still an uphill climb. I sincerely hope the climb will continue, and the numerous mountaintops can be reached.

    1. YES, and we need millions of bearers to pick up their own torches Bev. There is a helluva lot of darkness, and fear of darkness, in this world to overcome — including the issues of separatism and entitlement that religions continue to foster and spread. We need to somehow learn to realize we are one human species, whose eyes, faith, and love need be directed at each other and upon this earth — instead of some magical fount of SOUL-SOMA and salvation, that includes as part of club membership, some kinda afterlife escape route in the heavens. I know fear and insecurity can drive us in that direction, but somehow we need to become truly aware that this is all we have any real proof that we are guaranteed, and we need to be responsible to that fact. It will also add points to your club membership card, if you feel inclined to such belief. It’s a WIN/WIN for you folks, and all of us. Of course, it’s JMHO! Peace & Love all!

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