“It is not enough that we do our best;
sometimes we must do what is required.”
— Winston Churchill
The human race is in the grip of deadly global pandemic that continues to evolve. The coming seasonal change impacts human life, as we are driven indoors. This increased encapsulation of daily life, increases the threat posed by this insidious COVID 19 Delta variant. We have worked hard to develop and distribute the COVID vaccine. It is the responsibility of every human to step up and be vaccinated — it’s free! This is how we will defeat this scourge. It is our duty to protect our fellow humans.
I’m vaccinated. Too many foolishly refuse to do their part to join in the fight. The vaccine is safe, and it works. So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm. They are in far more harm, not being vaccinated. We all must ”vax up”! Be part of the solution, not an extension of the problem!
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: dVerse
Damn rights and Amen. Our work makes perfect book ends. I swear the universe is doing a culling, and the queue of stupidity stretches over the horizon.
I will go to my grave Glenn, not understanding, even for a moment, the overwhelming stupidity that is disrupting the end of COVID deaths?! Fucking unbelievable! 😐
From your lips (ie keyboard) to everyone’s ears, RK.
You know Ron, I feel this is so obvious that there should be no reason to need to state the obvious? Oh, that’s right, I momentarily forgot about human stupidity! 🙂
I hear you. Rob, it’s turning the world topsy turvy. I can see people unhappy with governments to take a stand if they want to change things but to choose the path of refusing vaccines and masks as a form of rebellion is just plain STUPID.
The stupidity reflects their immoral and emotionally disturbed leader Lisa. I am not sure what he’s been promised, and by whom — but Trump clearly wants to see America undermined, and feels he is safe from the debris when the collapse happens. This reality is more horrifying than any movie plot I have ever known in my 74 years.
I can’t understand this refusal to have the vaccine, Rob, much less the persecution of those who have it, and are doing their bit to protect everyone else! The world sure is going mad…
Even if this was the plot of some apocalyptic movie, or horror movie — I would find it hard to believe Ingrid. But this shit is real. I sincerely hope I am gone when the inevitable global ultra-violence breaks out, but I am terrified for my son and grandson. The human capability for destruction in this and the next era, are more than my mind can conceive. I used to believe human common sense would steer us away from such cataclysmic insanity — but I have now been convinced that common sense has been eradicated. Because it is all so incomprehensible, I believe the fabric of perceptive reality has been ripped asunder, opening the veil to utter and absolute madness. Large world is experiencing a mass psychotic break.
I so agree with you, Rob. I do not understand the stupidity. The people who are insisting that their freedom is being imposed on by demanding they wear masks or get vaccinations so they work and go places just makes me SO angry! They are killing people with their ignorance!
And many of the same people are fine with denying people the right to vote, reproductive freedom, and on and on. I guess those rights don’t count in their upside-down, crazy world. End rant. ????
People have lost the ability to reason Merril. It is clearly a failure of our educational system, and I DO NOT mean the teachers.
Hear, hear!
Yes yes David! 🙂
I’ve completely given up trying to understand it all. Insane.
It is a very strange form of entrenched mass hysteria Linda. Maybe the same type of hateful, illogical hysteria that swept through Nazi Germany?
It’s exhausting trying to figure it out! I’ve always been intrigued by human behaviour, but now it just exhausts me. The identity factor of politics in the U.S. was always strange to me. We don’t usually openly identify with a party where I come from, it doesn’t run in family backgrounds and most of us change our minds each time around. Loyalty to one party forever to the end of time, no matter what they stand for ? That doesn’t feel like freedom to me.
I hear you Mish!
Amen! I hope more and more people realize the importance of getting vaccinated. Fabulous write, Rob 🙂
Thank you Sanaa, me too! 🙂
I cannot understand how people rather eat medicine for horses than accepting the vaccine… it was actually developed under the reign of agent Orange.
Maybe if we get enough asshats to eat enough Ivermectin Bjorn — the problem will “cure” itself…!
These are the words that need to be blasted near and far .. in every medium available. Bravo!!
Thank you Helen, but people seem deaf these days — and stupid!