Original DDE™ surreal art: “New Horizon” by: rob kistner © 12/20/24
We will never lose vision
never let our soul dream die…
though they come
the hands without faces
the voices without logic
without truth
the ones who poison
the pristine air
to blind our sight
who turn our rivers
of communication
to shards of pointed glass
and tell us it is progress
reeking of entitlement
they do not knock
they seep through the walls
quiet as shadow
binding us with silk
that feels like comfort
we are taught to love the sameness
to celebrate the gray
while the fire in our chests
grows cold and hard
a stone
we no longer remember swallowing
they whisper to us
in a voice
that sounds like our own
over and over
…you are safer this way
you are cleaner
you are clearer
you are chosen
you are one…
and so we march
eyes forward
vital vibrant thoughts
funneled into neat canals
death ditches
where they are picked-off
the world around us
a hollow hum
even the stars
once sharp and burning
blur into a single smear
of fallowed light
but some nights
in the deep black
between their laws
and their lies
someone remembers
not a word —
a feeling
raw and jagged
like a thorn
caught in the soul
it whispers
there was more…
you were more…
they cannot kill
what they do not understand
the lone sparks
of smoldering disgust
our hands
that claw at the sky
out voices
that crack the silence —
they rise
strange and terrible
dripping with the dark
heaped upon them
like gods
pulled from the earth
still too
they come
with their rules
their chains
made of dead ideas
to scrape the truth
from our bones
let them try…
we will rise
in the ruins of their perfection
a tide of broken mirrors
reflecting only what they fear to see
that we are many
that we are their chaos
that we are truth
that we are infinite
Original DDE™ surreal art: “Changin’ Time’s”
by: rob kistner © 12/20/24
rob kistner © 12/20/24
Poetry at: dVerse