The fog of time
rolled ‘cross the lands
a languid chill
dense with memory
having receded
shoulders its way
through the shrouded recall
a veiled vision
the gnarled shape
of leaf-dead trees
with their spindly
spiked branches
thrust skyward
to twist and bend
in swaying tangle
muffled deep
within this wooded reach
an imperceptible drone
of seeming voices
a dark entangled chant
a disembodied presence
this night
you will experience
memories of glory
memories of beauty
memories of strength
memories of a homeland
memories of your proud people
powerful memories
sacred memories
of bles’sed miracles
conjured by strong
deft hands
these memories
were left here
with the trees
with the land
with your blood
by your ancestors
so reach
embrace these memories
but go further still
lift your dreams
in a united vision
elevate your minds
to know
to embrace knowledge
to realize your truth
raise your voices
as in a single
sustained cry
stand proud
honor these memories
stride forth
heads raised
grab your future
your destiny
and make further memories
your own memories
and greater
than even these
rob kistner © 2022
Poetry at: The Sunday Muse
This is a gorgeous piece of writing Rob. So many glorious descriptions and a hopeful and wonderful message it brings us to. I also wanted to let you know that the original link you shared did not come here. I had to delete it but was having trouble getting to this poem. I finally figured out that if I click on your blog title it takes you to the latest poem. So I have re-linked you at the Muse. Have a wonderful week my friend.
Thank you Carrie. Not sure what happened. I always check the links both ways. To my site and back to Sunday Muse. Now I understand why no one visited. I appreciate you solving the mystery my friend! ???????????
You are very welcome Rob.
Rob, you’ve outdone yourself. This is so good.
Thank you David… ::)
Rob I love your format of being a transmitter for The Muse.
Thank you Lisa, glad this resonated for you… 🙂