Yes — I have marveled at
golden fire clouds
hanging in pale green skies
over the azure seas of Toluras
I have seen the copper leaves
of the parmus fronds
flashing from indigo mountains
in the crystal mists of Gemin
I’ve heard the haunting call
of the coral winged Lellurt
in Droon’s violet skies
over teal Darpin Bay
I’ve watched the Atokirina
drift delicately down
from Pandora’s tree of souls
to dance in a Na’vi’s gentle hands
~ Image from the movie Avatar ~
I have beheld exquisite beauty
in the journey of my rich, full life
but none quite so beautiful
as your opalblue eyes — in moonlight
the weight of time and loss
wear upon my traveler’s heart
and here — another searing night
of unbearable pain — missing you so
in this moment I want just one more time
to hear your gentle whisper — my love
I would give the world and my soul
to hear my name upon your lips
rob kistner © 2022
Poetry at: The Sunday Muse
Ooh, that ending … and this stanza:
“I’ve watched the Atokirina
drift down delicately
from Pandora’s tree of souls
to dance in a Na’vi’s gentle hands”
So beautiful.
Thank you Shawna… 🙂
Rob, this feels like a soliloquy similar to Blade Runner and I would love to see this scene in that movie. I loved Avatar!
I love both Blade Runner and Avatar! Each is in my top 10 favorites.
Blade Runner may be my favorite movie of all time — but that ‘s because I love great SciFi. I remember well that day in June ‘82 when this masterpiece was released. I was a Philip K. Dick fan. Having read “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” when it was published my junior year in college, I wanted to see how Ridley Scott would interpret this story. I told my partner to mind the store, as I went to see the movie the afternoon of its release day. I sat, nearly alone, in a cool air conditioned theater, on a very hot humid June day in Cincinnati. I was mesmerized. It was a near out of body experience. I sat there, and shed tears as Roy Batty delivered, what may be the greatest, most poetic movie soliloquy of all time, in his breathtaking death scene! As I watched it, as I felt it, as it was sinking, into my the very marrow of my bones, forever. I knew, with every fiber of my being, I was experiencing cinematic history. Two grown men, former deadly adversaries, be they androids or not, discover compassion, and in so doing, discover their humanity, their souls, in moments that existed out of time, and that would endure — timelessly! With Vangelis carrying me away on the strains of his incredible music, my mind was blown. I sat transfixed, so thankful I was enjoying a virtual private screening of a movie that would become, and deservedly so, a cult classic, that is as exciting and relevant today, as it was then. It was one of the defining moments of my life. I still cry when I watch it on BluRay at least once a month — but who’s counting! 😉
A bluetiful opal eyed poem Rob
Your images are fantastic.
I havent seen the movie but i want to.
Happy Sunday
Much love…
Thank you so much Gillena… 🙂 …great movie!
This is absolutely gorgeous Rob. You could be narrating a scene from the movie in poetic form. It is a lovely movie and so is your poem!
Thank you Carrie — I loved that movie.
A lovely sci-fi remembrance!
Thank you Chrissa… 🙂
Wonderfully descriptive, and the final few words are simply beautiful. Well done Rob.
Thank you Keith, I appreciate your kind words my friend. Always nice to see your work and comments. We have been fellow contributors to a number of different poetry prompt sites, now well into a second decade. I know at least as far back as 2007, when you shared your wonderful work on two prompt sites I personally published for a number of years — Writer’s Island and Matinèe Muse. I think our poet paths probably crossed even further back? Nice to see we are both still stirring the words… 🙂
This is beyond gorgeously written, Rob
Thank you David, very much… 🙂
Such a beautiful ending on this, Rob. I have not seen the movie, but maybe I will.
Thank you Sara, and yes you should see the movie, it’s exhilarating. Avatar 2 comes out pretty soon, and that looks to be just as exciting, at least from the trailers I’ve seen so far. The second one is entitled “The Way of Water”.