Fantasy’s Elaboration

  • My primary creative inspiration remains my vivid imagination.
  • 38CE96C0-4CAF-4CDE-A9A7-FEB7DF386769

    Fantasy’s Elaboration


    fantastic is this spell I’m under
    magic of a splendorous kind
    a world of cornucopic wonder
    treasure troves of dreams to plunder
    in this voyage of my mind

    by fantasy’s elaboration
    through stars of wonder I ascend
    soar in sweet hallucination
    in ships of my imagination
    oh, would this voyage but never end

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Click below to check out the poetry at dVerse:

    Journey with me!

    Click here for more inspiration at Toads.


    Take this amazing fractal trip to free your creative mind.

  • HELLO Poets with BLOGGER sites. If under “Who Can Comment” in your “Settings”, you have not selected the buttom marked “Anyone”, then I will not be able to leave you a comment when I visit your blog. Sorry!


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • 48 thoughts on “Fantasy’s Elaboration”

      1. Hmm, what you suggest doesn’t seem to apply. Perhaps it is what would apply in a WordPress blog? All our settings allow for is to choose whether comments can come from anyone, from google account holders only, or only from members of the blog.
        What works for me is to allow ‘Anyone’ and moderate comments to control the inevitable spam. Maybe some Blogger bloggers are unwittingly set to include only comments from people with Google accounts?

        1. Thank you for checking Rosemary. I am able to comment on your site because it allows me to use my name and URL address fir verification of my comment. 🙂

    1. absolutely delightful, our mind is the most wondrous thing and so few dare to sincerely explore it … enjoy!

      1. Thank you Kate. Looking inward can be daunting at times, but it can also prove very rewarding… 🙂

    2. The voyage shall go on — this fantastic spell is so well portrayed, Rob. I can certainly relate with it. 🙂

      1. Thank you Anmol, I hope it continues well beyond the mortal realm, when I finally reach the destination of my skyship, as I have shared with Björn.

    3. From one imagination to another: Gather your thoughts, feel them, then write them down.

      1. My thoughts never quite gather so much Sara, and they cluster in a stream of consciousness – from this I select linear strands of ideas and images…

      1. Thank you Björn, I am pleased you liked this. I have slways had an extremely vivid imagination. Even as a child I had a very rich fantasy life, cultivated as an escape from a very difficult childhood.

    4. Wonderful stuff, whimsical, metaphysical and profound.
      I don’t know what classic form you used with abaab rhuyme scheme, but your rhymes blend, and do not seem forced; kudos, pal.

      1. Thank you Glenn, your feedback is very much appreciated, and it means a lot! A fact you might find interesting. I do not like poems written with a form in mind. I almost never write to a form. However, rhythm and rhyme do find their way into my pieces at times – but it is more a spontaneous occurrence. It has been that way for me ever since I began writing lyrics to my band’s songs back in the 1960’s. I can’t begin to tell you if or what classic rhyme pattern I may have mimicked – it just begged to be written this way.

    5. I love every bit of your poem, Rob. “treasure troves of dreams to plunder” then us readers get the joy of seeing what you build with them as they shine.

    6. P.S. Just watched the video. I’m not sure how they can create these images, but they look like another world that is maybe underwater or out in space or in another dimension. We do not know what is beyond this place, but maybe it could be like what’s on this video…

      1. Hi Jade. It is all done with mathmatical calculation written in complex lines of code in the virtual domain of the computer. This video exists only in the computer, and once they have the structural msth snd code determined, it becomes essentially an infinite progression, non- duplicating. It truly is another world separate from our physical realm.

    7. you are an adventurer at heart – I love ships (sunken ships on the tv shows searching for treasures fascinate me) so comparing your imagination with a ship is awesome – totally at the mercy of the elements – unpredictable but exciting for sure.

      1. I love adventure, discovery, mystery – it all lights my imagination ablaze! I am do drawn to water, boats, ships – I find it all wonderful Margaret!

    8. The gift of a vivid imagination is truly a blessing! Your creative mind unfurls in this poem with wonderful rhymes and rhythm. I found the fractal journey fascinating too…thanks for sharing 🙂

    9. Truly, a masterpiece of creativity and diction, Rob. Too many days, I find myself, lacking these qualities, in my own writing.

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