What’s that you say
you’ve not seen me around
well see
I just got back in town
went for a trip
quite far away
but now
I plan to settle down
I brought back
some new friends
friends I find dear
though some folks
they react with fear
my new friends
may appear
a little strange
they’re just not
not from around here
I see you smirking
at my suit
it includes the hat
and the gloves to boot
it really helps
should I grow weightless
but around here
I guess
that point is moot
it keeps UV rays
off my bald cranium
and it’s made
of strong-as-steel
it makes me invisible
to radar
and impervious
to uranium
I wear it now
almost everyplace
the reflection
helps conceal my face
when raining
it keeps me very dry
and there’s a jet pack
if I choose to race
so please
don’t make fun
of my wardrobe
it’s perfect
for someone on the go
it’s fireproof
if you’re grilling out
and in the dark of night
it glows
here’s a little tip
I’ll share with you
I don’t worry
about all the ballyhoo
let folks stare
and shake their head
because I know
my fashion sense
is way way ahead
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: The Sunday Muse
Luv that the suit has a “jet pack”
Happy Sunday Rob. enjoyed the music. Harry Nilsson ( first time hearing him) sounds like a tamer version of David Bowie
much love…
Thank you Gillena — much love to you. Harry was very cool, and a very good friend with John Lennon, and later David Bowie.
Love it Rob and that ending is wonderful! I do feel the beat of music in your lines. Have a good week my friend!
You have a great week Carrie! I got a song in my heart… 🙂
Intriguing–is this a returning human or someone completely different? And that list of spacesuit virtues…just makes one wonder what’s around the bend that the wearer is anticipating.
The wearer is just s crazy old astro-nut! 🙂
Far out clever!! Plus stellar musical choices = A GOOD MORNING.
Glad you like Helen I was flashin’ back on this one!
Enjoyed that very much – who doesn’t need an all-purpose suit these days?
Thzbk you! That’s what I been sayin’… 🙂
You’re wearing your most clever creative hat here, Rob. A fun read!
Glad you enjoyed this Bev! 🙂
If they can air condition it, it will come in handy as garb when temperatures rise even more………like next summer! Good one, Rob.
I believe they can be air conditioned Sherry.
I absolutely love this poem, Rob. Smart and solid. I also love the musical selections. You can’t go wrong with The Byrds and Nilsson.
It was fun Lisa! 🙂
Love your fashion-forward sensibility! And “it really helps
should I grow weightless” is a terrific line, LOL!
Thanks JR! 🙂
A fun read for me, Rob. Thank you.
Yes, he is way way ahead for most, but just look around,
others are way ahead of him. More ridiculous too.
I sm way behind Jim… 🙂