as generations
moved forward
as civilization
set foothold
I observed
the millenniums
of human endeavor
as they awakened
to self-reliance
less dependent
on hive mentality
mastering machines
eliminating conflict
striving for truth
ever evolving
I saw
the world
I stand tall
thrust skyward
closer to heaven
than any living thing
a perpetual presence
the constant sentinel
a witness to triumph
that all that
were true
I watched helplessly
as generations receded
as empires crumbled
greed ran rampant
wisdom ebbed
I observed
of human folly
misguided logic
flawed reasoning
as they flailed
to a cold
from one another
from the environment
serving their machines
serving their avarice
perfecting violence
racing to ruination
becoming aliens
in a mad eden
they were
no more
I watched through tears
as the natural world
slowly declined
toxic air
burnt terrain
to far horizons
and now I stand
thrusting skyward
in this decaying hell
praying for a heaven
the only living thing
the pitiful survivor
the final sentinel
time’s witness
to tragedy
the end
~ ~ ~
rob kistner © 2010
(revision © 2018)
I think we’re on the same wavelength here, Rob., but yours says it so much better! Wonderful translation of your thoughts into words.
Thank you, and I wish more were on our wavelength, maybe the world would be a better place Viv…
you say lots here Rob…..and say it very well…thanks for your words
You are welcome Wayne…
The poem structure is really great :3 so much thoughts and feelings within it 🙂 I sometimes do think about these things yet there isn’t seems to be changes and we can only hope for the better in the future, but the end is coming somehow…Thank for sharing^^~
Thank you Riika, but I hope the end is not coming soon… 😉
“Aliens in a mad Eden,” indeed. You caught a sense of history in which memory went all the way back to the sprouting of the tree. Amazing work, Rob. Thanks.
Amy BL
You are welcome Amy, I almost put my PollyAnna writing cap on, but I just couldn’t — and feel authentic…
I want to cry.
I know, I do too Tilly… 🙁
What a poignant piece here….civilization has created so many problems and issues in this world. In serving machines, technology, and progress, we have forgotten the power of love and humanity. I really enjoyed your poem Rob.
I appreciate your kind and thoughtful words Katina — and yes, we are becoming more and more isolated and impersonal in today’s world, less responsible for who we are, and how we impact our brothers and sisters in the human family…
I am touched..
nowhere island
Important issues face our human species, and our planet Gautami…
Redwoods are so majestic they truly are the final sentinel. Your poem was as lovely top read as it was to see the shapes form as I went along, thank you for the experience.
You are most welcome Amanda, thank you for your kind words…
And it continues, 8 years since you wrote this magnificent piece, Rob, things have not changed much for the better. It is a sad situation around us these days. We can help, doing our share by not adding to the pile.
This poem is extremely moving.
I am pleased my “Final Sentinel” touched you Hélène. I am sad though that it is perhaps even more relevant than when I first began the early drafts a decade ago. We now have madmen refuting the obvious because their avarice prevents them from investing in the future generations – because they don’t care about anyone, or any thing beyond their reach of immediate power, control, and profit. Evil is taking control maquerading as good. And like poor ignorant sheep to the slaughter, we are lock step to our destruction. Sorry about the rant. Your beautiful picture of the tree of life set me off. I am so very frustrated with our country, with the world right now, sorry! Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂
A stunning piece of writing in every sense.
Thank you so much Bernadette, I appreciate the very gracious compliment… 🙂
Trees are like the planet’s cilia as cilia in the lungs of air breathers, exchanging and purifying the air. When we’ve “smoked away” our planetary cilia through deforestation we will all suffocate a slow agonizing emphysema-like death — unless we are blessed instead by cataclysmic disaster or disease. the human race is doomed 🙁
At 72, I am glad I wont be part of the mess. But Jade, I am so concerned for my 5-year-old grandson…