



I stand at land’s end
atop a soaring precipice
jutting into the Pacific
observing an Osprey

it’s suspended in flight
aloft on the westerly breeze
billowing up
then wafting down the cliff

I’m mesmerized

stretching before me
undulating azure blue
falling away
over earth’s edge
into forever

unfurling below
a white ribbon of sand



a breath between eternal sea
and towering rock facades
flanking left and right
in sweeping panorama

Indian Beach
the Oregon Coast
in all it’s majesty

this is my summer perch
since first I discovered it
thirty years ago

now it offers me brief refuge
from the COVID pandemic
sweeping the world

my thoughts are adrift

just then
the breeze freshens
disrupts my reverie
tosses my hair
buffers my chest

I shudder
bracing against vertigo
swept up in a feeling

oh to be un-tethered
no longer earthbound
like that Osprey

my eyes close
my soul lifts
takes wing
soars skyward

I’m flying!

~ ~ ~

Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

rob kistner © 2021

To read “Cloudburst”, the companion piece: CLICK HERE


Come fly with Michael Hedges! Airborne down the Oregon Coast! Hold On!

To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE

Want to know more about my beloved Oregon Coast? Check this out.

For more work at Poets & Storytellers: CLICK HERE

48 thoughts on “Flying”

  1. A perfect scene to be visiting during these lockdown days and you’re at it after knowing it for 3 decades. How privileged Rob, to be free like the Osprey is a fantastic feeling!


  2. I felt like you were the osprey at the end of your poem, Rob. I watched both videos. Totally amazed by the tour along the coast one. Where are you along that coast? It looks like MI but add mountains and sea creatures. So many port cities!

  3. My Oregon …. you capture the essence every time you write about it. I love you in the Ducks cap. They played a great BB game this evening.

    1. Thank you Helen! I found myself when I moved to Oregon 31 years ago. It will always be my home, the one I chose. I love my Duck cap. My favorite Duck hat is the one loaded with hardware reminders of the Ducks climb to the position of national prominence. The Bellotti/Kelly years — wow! And it appears Mario has what it takes to have us back to the natty. That was a great BB win on the road tonight. They handled ASU most effectively. I love the Ducks women’s BB under Kelly Graves. The Sabrina/Sato/Ruthy/ teams may well have been the greatest sporting team to ever wear a Duck uniform, of any sport, men or women. They definitely would have been the very first national championship Duck team. Graves has a whole pack of brand new 5-star baby Ducks that I believe, once they sort out who their top dog floor leader is — they will bring that national championship trophy to Eugene! GOOOOOOOOOO DUCKS!!

  4. I didn’t need the videos to imagine these beautiful views, Rob, your poem worked its magic! I felt a flutter in my gut when I read your opening lines, I don’t think I’ve ever been up so high. ???? I also felt the enchantment of the osprey and the ‘undulating azure blue / falling away / over earth’s edge / into forever’, took the ‘breath between eternal sea / and towering rock facades’. Thanks for the virtual flight.

    1. You are most welcome Kim. I may be a bit overboard with my love of Oregon — but I can’t help that it is a damned paradise. Now living in Seattle with my grandson, i have to live in my memories of Oregon sustained by a less that satisfactorily infrequent visit — but it is my spiritland!

  5. You had me flying right there with you Rob, thank you!

    ‘falling away
    over earth’s edge
    into forever’

    I felt my spirit set free as I read – amen to that!

  6. Rob,
    You had me soaring with you, and the sea-scape descriptions of your solitary watch are filled with tranquility and unexpected bliss. Loveliness in every line.

  7. “Everyone must get high”-Bob Dylan. Incredible piece. I swear your poetry does for Oregon what Ansel Adam’s photography did for CA. This spiritual piece really perked me up. When you mentioned that you fly to Indian Beach frequently, I assume you meant astrally.

    1. Thank you Glenn, and I am pleased to help lift your spirits brother! Yes, on the wings of memory and intention, I travel to three precious spots in Oregon frequently. The ancient forest around Lost Lake, the pure mountain waters of the Upper Clackamas River Canyon, and to Indian Beach in Ecola State Park. If I get my wish, my family will sprinkle parts of my ashes at all three spots.

  8. One of the highlights of my life is a mail jet boat ride my daughter and I took up the Rogue River to a remote fishing camp called Lucas Lodge. We saw osprey just as you described. It was a magical trip I will never forget.

  9. I have never seen an Osprey, and this sounds like a magic moment to make-believe that you might get wings…

    1. Osprey’s are beautiful birds, and extremely graceful and effective predators. They can bullet dive from way up in the sky, and effortlessly snatch a trout or salmon, that weighs as much as, or more than they do — and carry it up into their nests high high in a conifer. Amazing to observe.

  10. How beautiful it is to get away from the “hoi polloi” and immerse oneself in nature whether it is forest, mountain or sea. Sadly the more we develop the less we become part of the Earth and instead become destroyers and thieves in the only place that can sustain us.

    1. It is glorious to immerse oneself in the beauty and energy of the natural world Robin, I believe that is your name. I agree that the human species has proven itself wholly irresponsible, unworthy of any claim, or even the illusion that we are, or ever have been effective stewards of this magnificent planet. Like any cancer consuming the host — we are a rampant disease. Every evidence supports such a comparison. We are so utterly out of balance with this world that I believe we have forfeited our right of occupancy. Can we ever reclaim such privilege, I really have my doubts.

  11. Anyone who lives on the Pacific ocean is blessed. I cannot imagine life without a white sandy beach. Thank you to my ancestors for coming here centuries ago Your poem tells me you are in love with the sea as much as I am. We are lucky !

  12. I love how this catches hold of a feeling of freedom, and although there is recognition of the real hardships outside this moment of exhilaration, it still holds tight to hope.

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