Forever Sacred



Forever Sacred


the consumed moon
haunts his grey life
stirring yellow dreams
of soured sorrow
stealing his solitude’s wish
of a soul’s peace
yet he will not despair

even trapped in torment
as in the skulls of saints
persecuted for their truth
he will hold her love sacred
lidded ‘neath his heart’s brow
secreted like a palmed rose
he will never forget

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020


  • Click below to read more pieces at dVerse:

    Poetics: The charms of Samuel Greenberg


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  • 26 thoughts on “Forever Sacred”

    1. I like the brevity here, and the lovely weaving of Greenberg’s charms into a lover’s lament. You found the key to rocking the prompt without my bombastic verbosity; very impressive

      1. Thank you Glenn. I was all over the place with this prompt. At one point I had nine 4-line verses. I just burnt out on it, when this little 14-line love poem fell into my exhausted lap — so I went with it.

    2. secreted like a palmed rose
      he will never forget

      A lovely take on the show of a strong bond of love that lingers on. True to the feelings of a great relationship. Wonderful write Rob!


    3. Rob, I guess our muses were in some sort of sychroncity tonight as we chose many of the same charms. I have to love yellow dreams. You may have struggled with it but, the end result came out perfect. Sometimes, it takes a bit of navigating.

      1. Thank you True… 🙂 There were so many fucking options, I couldn’t decide which way to take the prompt! But we finally landed reasonable solid, after much nudging from my muse.

    4. thank you for sticking with the prompt and glad you settled here after the struggle.

      you wove Greenberg’s’ The Pale Impromptu’ into quite a love poem. His words evidently spoke to you and I especially like
      “yet he will not despair

      even trapped in torment
      as in the skulls of saints”

      1. Oh, you are welcome. I really enjoyed the challenge. I kept fashioning Greenberg’s “charms” into morose or angry sounding pieces. I am glad you liked what I finally brought forth. 🙂

      1. My ongoing weakness for “lost-love” poetry Ken — and the only thing I could craft out of the Greenberg “charms” that wasn’t sounding morose or angry.

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