From Her Lips


From Her Lips



like a voice
in a canyon
I hear her calling
in memories

my name
rolling sweet as nectar
from lips
soft as orchid petals

glistening crimson
as they wrapped softly
‘round each precious syllable

that night her voice
was forever silenced

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to hear he voices at dVerse:

    Quadrille #85 – Raising our Poetic Voices

  • 24 thoughts on “From Her Lips”

    1. to be called by the siren and fall under her spell, only to be abandoned, for whatever reason, would cause emotional withdrawal i would think, almost like an addict’s withdrawal symptoms

    2. Of your two quadrilles, I prefer this one, Rob. There’s so much pathos in it. Death ends everything.

      1. I agree with you Jane? I have always been drawn to the Yin. There is a deeper emotion I find there. But I certainly embrace the YANG of life as well. I have noticed that yang plays best in the dVerse community.

      1. The end comes instantly in some cases Björn. Death can take a loved one in a tragic accident, with no warning — and it’s devastating. It has happened to me.

    3. Wow. I never saw that turn coming. What a gutpunch. The penultimate stanza was particularly stunning, and never gave away the tragic turn.

      1. Thank you Merril. Life constantly throws change our way. Unexpected tragic death of a loved one is the worst for me, even more than being diagnosed with diseases, s I have been a number of times. The diseses I have the capacity to deal with, one way or the other. When my 18-year-old son was ripped from the earth in a split second — I was totally helpless, nothing could be done but suffer.

    4. Rob – I’m sorry to hear about the tragic loss of your son. I have lost two children and you’re right, there is nothing that can be done but to suffer. That sudden silence, of the loss of that precious syllable, can be deafening and can still reverberate despite the time – I can feel that in this poem. There is depth in this one, that is missed in your previous quadrille for this prompt. It makes my Yin self want to dive right in.

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