line art: “Frozen Man” — rob kistner © 2008
giving up
is giving in
grip letting go of dreams
frozen is the frightened man
withered in a worried cage
happy is a voting man
a hero heard and heeded
stopping is no option
for the times
they are a’changin’
rob kistner © 2020
* Watch me read Frozen Man complete version: CLICK HERE
to lose the way is to keep going
keep moving forward
lest one atrophies
rigid with despair
paralyzed with doubt
locked in hopelessness
bound by fear
the giving up
is the giving in
is the rot that sets
with the loss of wonder
when grip lets go of dreams
loss of faith debilitates the soul
cripples the manifest light
that shines so bright
at the leap into sacred uncertainty
so bright
as to boldly illuminate truth
frozen is the frightened man
withered in a worried cage
terrified of the wrong step
of the journey all in
of daring the way unmarked
wounded by fear
bleeding out the color of life
hemorrhaging joy
exsanguinating possibility
a cold brittled husk
mired in regret
for never having shone so brightly
as to blind the eyes of death
as to light the way of truth
valiant is a voting man
a hero heard and heeded
a cry of dissatisfaction
a voice of change
a stand for defiance
stopping is no option
so senators and congressmen
you best heed the call
don’t stand in the doorway
don’t block up the hall
for they that will lose
will be they who have stalled
so brothers and sisters
raise up your hand
let it be known
throughout the land
if we want change
we must take a stand
stopping is no option
for the times
they are a-changin’
revision © 2020
NOTE: To read more about folly: CLICK HERE
Good Morning, Rob~ Your poem speaks volumes to me, it’s message strong. Sometimes moving forward is all we can do when adversity strikes. And, hope we can find the joy we once had on the other side. Well done.
Also, I wanted to say I love your collages. They are strong visuals carrying their own stories to the forefront. I enjoyed looking at each very much. Have a nice day. And, thanks for sharing with Poefusion.
I love this. I can’t even pull out a certain part of the poem that stuck out for me…the whole poem is just remarkable. Great imagery and flow throughout with a strong theme that everyone can relate to. Great poem.
Interesting… I like your treatment of the images…
Cool site
Great poem
I really like “cripples the manifest light
that shines at the leap into sacred uncertainty”.
Great poem.
Excellent work Rob! Really enjoyed reading this poem. Great looking blog, well done. G
“to lose the way is to keep going” was the most powerful line, for me.
I love the lines “frozen is the frightened man/withered in a worried cage.” The drawing seems to relate to these directly.
a good job done 🙂
This poem really resonated…especially these lines:
frozen is the frightened man
withered in a worried cage
As a worry wart ‘tried and true’, those words spoke volumes…thanks for sharing this beautifully written poem.
Hi, Rob.
I really like the art piece at the top of this. I find it quite fascinating.
hi rob,
this is outstanding. real. succinct. human. it flows creamy. it provokes thought and it speaks to
feelings we all feel. acknowledged or not.
thanks for spilling it
This “frozen man” yet has strength to continue. The narrator in this poem edges hopelessness and still, despite the sadness and deep sense of loss, even despair, recognizes light. The artwork is beautifully drawn.
Wonderful poem Rob. Indeed it isn’t.
Thank you Linda… 🙂 we gotta move beyond this disaster, politically and medically.
As I wrote in my comment on Lill’s poem, I do try to be optimistic, but it’s hard these days. As you say, Rob, ‘stopping is no option’. I always cast my vote, otherwise it’s one fewer voice, and I must be heard. I wish I could vote in your election.
Way way too much negativity in this world Kim.
Oh may there be the happiness of an election that gives a message for change
Just dimply must be Bjorn!
Lovin’ the music….lovin’ the quadrille and the full texted poem.
The times they are a changin’ OMG I truly hope so!!!!
That’s the happiness project for you…a bright outlook for Wednesday!
Thank you Lillian… 🙂 …here’s to a bright joyful Wednesday!
Yes, we have to keep going. Fingers crossed that times are indeed a changing!
Got everything crossed! My fingers, toes, eyes, but I hope — not my wires Freya…
You’re right that stopping is no option. Let’s hope the times are changing for the better!
Like the Beatles said, “I do believe it’s getting better, can’t get much worse!” Tryin’ to stay positive Merril, in my cynical way… 🙂
Bang on, brother, and considering it was written in its original form in 2009, it’s a bit prophetic too. If we were kings, Trump would be hauled off to the Tower tomorrow night.
This revised version got a bit more political in the closing stanzas Glenn, given the backward direction of these times.
Rob I love your poem of encouragement and empowerment. If ever we need courage and fortitude to push through it is now. Caged and afraid is not an option. My favorite part:
“mired in regret
for never having shone so brightly
as to blind the eyes of death
as to light the way of truth”
(fyi, your recording cut out at about 75% of the way through)
Glad you liked it Lisa. The video plays all the way through for me, so sorry you had trouble. 🙁 Maybe it is having trouble over the internet? Maybe it’s TRUMP! 😉
p.s. I love Fallon’s version of Bob’s timeless classic.
Isn’t it so cool… 🙂
I sent my absentee ballot long ago….and sent it with heartfelt wishes for an end to this chaos to which we’ve been subjected. Loved your quadrille … and moreso the full text. From your mouth to God’s ears, my friend!
We gotta keep up the fight against the evil empire Bev.
Great advice! This reminds me of the saying, “Shop till you drop!” Giving up and giving in is the end of the line. Not ready for that for sure!
We gotta keep on keepin’ on Dwight… 🙂
Just keep on going, open the door, and push him out. Close door, turn the key, toss grenade out the window…
That’ll do the trick Jane! 🙂
Wonderful selection, Rob. Thanks.
Now I gotta put some Dylan on the turntable.
‘Come gather round people, wherever you roam…’
Oooo can’t wait.
Thanks Ron… 🙂 …”a man in the coonskin cap, in the pig pen, wants eleven dollar bills, you only got ten”…
a call to be heard … great write Rob!
These lines resonated deepest
“frozen is the frightened man
withered in a worried cage”
you nailed it … people are rushing off to vote right now!
I am holding my breath Kate…
This is incredibly potent. I agree, stopping, running, giving up .. all these are no options for the times we are living in now.
Time to be a warrior Sanaa, not a worrier…!
Excellent! I love
frozen is the frightened man
withered in a worried cage
Thank you Mary… 🙂
Ah yes happy is the one who stays in the race
Happy Monday Rob
Absolutely Gillena, you can’t make waves if you don’t keep pushing through the water…
I love how you made a condensed version of your poem for Quadrille, and I enjoyed both versions, especially the weaving in of Bob Dylan and the powerful message, which I hope all of your compatriots hear!
Thank you Ingrid. I hope this fertilizes someone’s resolve,
definitely powerful, Rob. Especially these lines: “frozen is the frightened man
withered in a worried cage”
Fear and worry makes one ineffective RW, not good…