Another morning, he sighs, as he sits, sipping his steeped motivation. Quietly, he begins peeling away the fog that layers his mind, residue of another fitful night. He is somber, but pleased to be awake, to be alive, grateful for the peace and the quiet of early morning — fleeting though it is.
His thoughts begin to un-blend, gathering in a cohesive palette of emotions. They catch his notice this morning, as they slowly sort, into what he perceives, as the colors of mood — moods he recognizes all too well.
He sees the dark ebony of anger, the shades of purple that are pain. Here is the violet of regret, and the sorrowful blues. But here too, are gentle peaceful greens, golden joy, and laughter’s bright amber. And, ahh yes, love’s deep ruby red, and the hot scarlet of passion!
As he muses, reflections on his mortality creep in, unwelcomed. They shoulder in coldly, crowding his reverie, reminding him of his advanced age, and acutely failing health. Pondering his plight he curses his fate. He feels himself struggling beneath the weight of uncertainty. A riot of emotions overcome him.
He seeks clarity, so he retreats to his typewriter, his tool of expression, his canvas for poetry. As outside, saffrons and corals stir into dawn, he sits at his desk, brings his fingers to the keys, and begins painting — deep indigo.
I fear the loss of color
were it all gone grey
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: dVerse
I love this, especially the haiku.
Thank you Maggie!
Wow, word for word I could have written a parallel poem to this, it so accurately describes my plight as well. It was Tess Kinkaid’s birthday, and I contacted her. She has let her hair go silver, and it looks great on her; not so good on, and within us. As to death’s palette, I’d like to believe life between life is colorful beyond measure.
Well, happy b’day Tess! I want to belive it is colorful too my friend — that’s why my fear would be the loss of color. I fo not want to fade to grey.
Awesome haibun. Luv your colour codes through out.
Thanks for dropping by to read mine
Thank you and you’re welcome! 🙂
Purple pain, purple pain…
Love your palette, RK.
I think my life is being invaded by overpowering colors; I’m a gimme-some-grey kinda guy.
Awesome haibun!
Thank you Ron! Wow, look at all the colors man! 😉
Well done Rob. Confusion, chaos, losing touch, and going gray fade to black… The fear of losing color… very good… love the haiku.
Thank you Dwight! 🙂
I’m glad your fingers are still tapping on the keyboard, in beautiful technicolor.
Thank you Lisa… 🙂
All those colors siphoned. I enjoyed the music and the words. Terrific haiku finish.
Thank you so much K… 🙂
Wonderfully expressed idea that there is something worse than death, the loss of life’s colors, expressed in the most lovely hues from your keyboard.
Thank you Dora… 🙂
I love this portrait of the struggling writer. And poignant haiku to go along. Just such a morning here with my laptop, droning heater and quiet darkness.
So very familiar… 🙂
I could feel the insidious fear leeching the vibrant colors out of your life, Rob! Masterfully evoked, this one!
Thank you Frank!
Dear Rob, today I will make this bold statement. Of the poems you have gifted us …. this will be forever my favorite. Love, relate, care, do not begin to describe my emotions. Thank you for this haibun. I have saved it to savor for all my time.
Helen, I am so genuinely humbled. This one was personal, and truly written from my heart. Thank you! I am pleased it touched you… 🙂
This is a wonderful haibun. I loved the way you relate feelings to colours. Your haiku really made me think. Who knows for sure that all fades to grey when we die? Maybe we enter realms of unimagined colour and light.
Makes one wonder Suzanne? 🙂
I love how you used the color here, and just to soothe you a bit I will leave with a song
The beauty of Grey by Live
Thank you Bjorn. 🙂
I listened to the song Bjorn. I agree that it is not a black and white world. It is a beautiful world of many colors. That is why I would be terrified to see a world devoid of all those fascinating colors. Grey is a world of nothing — empty.
I will forestall that gray for as long as I can.
Best of luck to you Ken. It does, however, ultimately lay beyond our control