April 14th 2017, at 2:00 AM, while in Evergreen Hospital, Kirkland WA, recovering from heart surgery — my heart stopped beating. I was saved by the efforts of their Code Blue team. That morning, a pacemaker was implanted in my heart. I began this poem not long after that, and finally finished it for this prompt.

and I’ve become a little angry
temper’s short — health is shot
and my heart beat stopped last night
fortunately — right place right time
in the hospital following surgery
fate’s given me another chance
guess I had better get it right
I’ve borrowed bought and sold
lived in lotsa’ shades of grey
I damn near leveraged my soul
just to play this fleeting game
I have not always been so kind
played a little fast and loose
spent so much time chasing fortune
too much time pursuing fame
I pray I’ll not end up an old man
gazing lonely out my window
trying hard just to remember
exactly how long it has rained
not sitting silent by the fire
deeply mired in consternation
wondering if all that I have lost
was worth what it was I gained
what I gained is more than gold
probably more than I deserve
I have been given a precious gift
the love of a daughter and two sons
the miracle of a gorgeous grandson
the warmth of a loving family
I have so many lives to cherish
my heart beats strong for every one
rob kistner © 2021
~< My deepest gratitude to the Code Blue team at Evergreen! >~
Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers
That would certainly be a profound moment! Good to realise what really matters, however we come to it.
Yes it certainly was profound Rosemary, and yes it definitely is good to have the realization of gratitude.
A definite “come to Jesus moment” that is life-altering. Funny, when you get to the bottom line, those we love and those who love us are all that matter. Blessings, Rob.
In today’s jargon, I guess I am now “woke” after that — cause it shook me to my core. I am most grateful to that Evergreen Hospital Code Blue team.
Moving introspection, Brother. Thanks for sharing, and for reminding us to recognize and be grateful for our blessings without waiting for a stopped heart to prompt us. Peace.
You’re welcome Ron… 🙂