the velvet nape
of your slender neck
swept with wisps
of your silken hair
the tender swells
of your pouted lips
blossomed full
and glistening
your quiet sighs
of throaty passion
breathy hushed
in twilight deep
autumn sunrise
crisp and fresh
blushed coral
on your waking smile
sterling moonlight
that fondles you
in naked slumber
‘neath midnight’s window
sunlight’s gold
that falls dreamlike
filtered soft
in old growth forest
unspoiled nature
to far horizons
from where I watch
on mountain’s crest
a 6 series beamer
cool and cruisin’
down 101
on a perfect day
splendid jazz
inspired verse
christmas eve
a soul-felt tear
my child’s joy
a quiet snow
an evening breeze
spiced with cedar
pristine beaches
pacific sunsets
a waterfall
laughing with you
what fires my heart
what stirs my soul
what turns me on
these are a few
• • •
…from my archives, here is a bit more of what turns me on…
So much passion here.
This is a searing love letter. And yes the heart’s on fire.
You have a gift for expressing love. I hope your passion is reciprocated: a poem of a partnership.
Thank you Maureen, you are always ready with wonderful and kind words… 😉
Glynn –
…and from my heart…
Viv –
It is reciprocated in so many ways in my life, and thank you for your graciousness… 😉
What a lovely, passionate song. I almost felt young again after reading this, Rob!
A beautiful list (except for the car 😉 ).
Thank you Deb for the kind words – and you should try that trip down the Oregon Coast on 101, in a pristine 633 CSI BMW, a magnificent marvel of German automotive technology… it will definitely turn you on… 😉
the moon fondles us? all of us? or just a lucky few. 🙂 clearly we don’t worship it enough. clearly.
I am sharing this with you Carolee, as a friend. Next time there is a clear-sky full moon, find a quiet place you can stretch out naked and completely relax, letting the moonlight fully embrace you — you will feel the gentle fondle… 😉
Hello Rob, I really like the image of the heart on fire. A concrete visual of the words, “burning with passion”. Your work is always full of sensuality. Are you on a diet of aphrodisiacs?
Hi Irene –
I have always been very connected to my physical senses, and plugged into my very magnified imagination — which I richly cultivated as a child during the deeply unsettling years of my youth… living abused, isolated, and for emotional survival, inside my complex and ever-evolving imagination.
What ultimately grew from all that was a powerful need to give, receive, and physically express love — a heightened keenness regarding the sensuality of living… lots of hugging in our house.
Why, I am not certain — I suspect so that I can feel alive… as a child, so that I could feel anything at all, anything beside the fear that consumed my childhood.
I have also been blessed with the love of a very bright, creative, sensual woman — Kathy is my true aphrodisiac… 😉
Rob, this poem should come with a warning; it’s an aphrodisiac in itself. Absolutely lovely.
Beautiful, sensitive and sensory poem. Romantic, too! Great work.
Your list is very lovely…