I’m Pissed!


I’m Pissed!


trash comments
to throw away
nearly thirty

spend more time trashin’
than I do replyin’
the shit keeps comin’
it’s so damned tryin’

scams and porno
just on and on
fuckin’ frustrating
keeps up — I’m gone

I wanna write poetry
not fight stupidity

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2021


To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE

28 thoughts on “I’m Pissed!”

    1. Problem is Maggie, my website has been up for over two decades. I frequently get 30-40 or more trash comments a day, and the porno ones can contain up to 100+ links, and scroll down 2 or 3 pages each. They clog up my pending approval folder, making it insane to dig through to legitimate comments. Somedays I just want to close the comment section and say fuck it, or set it up so my regular visitors can subscribe — maybe that will block this bullshit!? If I started ignoring them I’d end up with page after page of garbage “pending” comments

    1. They don’t get posted publicly, but my site is 2 decades old, so I am constantly bombarded by porn and scams — I then have to go trough my pending folder 2-3 times a day and trash 20-30 attempted attacks ever tome. Thanks for asking and for your concern David! ???? Just upgraded my Akismet Spam Acct. so we’ll seeif that works?

  1. This is so familiar, Rob. I’m sick of emptying spam and trash every day and, like you, all I want to do is read and write poetry. Who are those people who write the same things over and over again?

    1. Thanks Kim! It’s Bot scam sites that continue to bombard, trying to get through to post their disgusting comments publicly. Asshats! — ???? Just upgraded my Akismet Spam Acct. so we’ll seeif that works?

    1. The trash comments don’t got through to being posted Ingrid, but they do fill up my pending folder for mr to approve or to trash. Ig is just that I get so many scam and porno comments, and each huge with 100 links embedded everyday, that it takes all my motivation to keep sorting through, usually twice a day, to throw the shit out — I HATE IT! GRRRRRR!! Does your spam filter Completely block the trash comments so you never have to sort through them to toss them? If so, please share the name. I am on WordPress platform, and I publish my own blog hosting it on BlueHost. I am about ready to make my site subscription only, if that will block all the shit comments from getting in my pending folder.

  2. I do love my spam filter… it does trash a few valid comments, but whenever I look there is very little there.

    1. My WordPress site has been up 2 decades. WAY TOO MUCH WORK to consider different platform. But thanks Bev! 🙂 Just upgraded my Akismet Spam Acct. so we’ll see if that works?

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