In Black Satin Sky

This is a peace poem.


Moon moon round and bright
silver in black satin sky
bare your sterling soul on high
annoint our dreams that they may fly

may your deep-night healing magic
shimmer ‘cross this sleeping world
may enchantment be this night unfurled
may your wand of wonder be fully twirled

spellbind all silent slumber
’til all dreams are dreamed this night
’til pure hearts are lifted light
‘til joy has made sorrow take flight

let love rule the dawning day
let new hope awaken strong
let peace be ‘morrow’s waking song
let peace bless us this day long

rob kistner © 2019

More poetry at:dVerse


47 thoughts on “In Black Satin Sky”

  1. Beautiful uplifting peaceful poem Love these stunning lines:
    “spellbind all silent slumber
    ’til all dreams are dreamed this night
    ’til pure hearts are lifted light”
    and yes “let peace be ‘morrow’s waking song” amen

      1. I need a wand of wonder to cast a spell of love into the world.

        PS Every time I visit here those Serenity Totems seem to catch my eye. They are absolutely magical. Did you have a theme in mind when you were creating?

        1. Don’t we all True. With regard to the art pieces pictured that I created. The idea of this handmade, 3D mixed-media work, is alluded to in the name of the series. I envisioned “totem” in the broad sense of being a symbolic representation of a particular quality or concept — in this case the quality of “serenity”, the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. I wanted these to be displayed in the home in the spirit of peace and beauty. The grouping you see in the sidebar are all 25” tall, with the exception being one (1) 36” tall piece. I have a series that is 20” tall, and a series that 36” tall, in addition to the 25” tall work. I have displayed and sold them, by invitation, for years at national juried art shows, along with my wife, also a nationally recognized artist, and the art she creates, as Fibrations Studios. Currently in my studio, I have a group of Serenity Totems in the 3 sizes, which I had completed in 2019, preparing for that coming summer’s major 2020 art shows, which were cancelled because of COVID. The shows are back n again, but my failing health makes my participation impossible. This last group of Totems are the last I will ever make, as the arthritis in my fingers is so severe, I can’t manage the tension wrap required to maintain the precision necessary for a beautiful work — and I won’t accept anything less. I have a reputation gained over the years in the juried art show community that I won’t tarnish. The pieces bring a quality price, so only excellent finished work is acceptsble to me.

  2. “may your deep-night healing magic
    shimmer ‘cross this sleeping world”
    Yes I pray this happens every evening.
    Wonderful prayer, Rob.

  3. Wonderful Rob! Wake with peace in our hearts each morning.
    Reminds me of the song of the seventies… “If I Could Teach the World to Sing in Perfect harmony…”

    1. Thank you! I know it is wishful thinking, but to acheive it, you must believe it, and to believe it you must perceive it. What a far more mellow and humane world this would most certainly be Dwight. Seems the world is waking up angry and hateful. SUCKS!

    1. Thank you Crystal. What’s interesting is I wrote lyrics in thr 60’s and 70’s and after writing this, I felt it would work wonderfully with a music bed.

    1. Night brings me such personal peace Björn. Night brings such a calming reverie for me, to the point that I seldom get to sleep before 3-4 AM. I find such solace in that post-midnight, early-early AM period! I come creatively alive.

    1. In addition to writing poetry, I was also a lyric writer for nearly 20 years Mish. I still perceive a lot of the poettry I write from a melodious perspective.

  4. Well done, well sung, well hung, dude. My first waking moments are peaceful. I, first, thank the universe for giving me another day. But then I turn on CNN, which Asshat attacked this morning; Fox News is banned in Britain. Then my anger gene kicks in; so it goes.

    1. So that’s how you kick start your righteous anger. I have stopped watching or listening to any news. It makes me absolutely crazy. I actually believe none of it, because I do not know who to believe – and my life is too short to eorry anout it. Besides, I have you to do that for me, so I just read you my bros!

  5. I absolutely love this especially; “spellbind all silent slumber
    ’til all dreams are dreamed this night ’til pure hearts are lifted light‘til joy has made sorrow take flight.” Exquisite write 🙂

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