MY INSPIRATIONS FOR THIS PIECE: “ i imagine that yes is the only living thing and i imagine that hope is the only stopping place.” — e e cummings

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Fragile & Vulnerable” by: rob kistner © 11/12/23
Making a gaudy show of leaving
hoping she would turn and stop him
walking out the door – he’s hoping
always looking back and hoping
wondering her change o’season
hoping it would matter to her
hoping that an empty place
would open in her heart
that only he could fill
he’s hurt and fragile
hoping his leaving
left such a void
hoping deeply
ever hoping
a lost leaf
a lone
brittle leaf
lost n’stranded on
life’s hardened highway
can be so easily crushed
by apathy’s traffic
so sadly hope
can too
but so too can be the surprising power of hope ~ if one strives !
rob kistner © 2024
Poetry at: dVerse
Here, it seems, hope is a wish that never comes to life.
True hope is a two part process Ken. Most forget about the 2nd part, which is to strive. Without the 2nd part, it will only be a wish. 🙂
This poem beautifully captures the longing and vulnerability of unrequited love. It is a poignant exploration of the human heart, with all its complexities and contradictions. It invites us to reflect on the delicate balance between hope and despair, and the enduring power of love and longing.
Thank you Bing, I am pleased this resonated for you… 🙂
Your poem has a great shape, Rob, and I like the play on words in ‘gaudy show of leaving’ and ‘change o’ season’ – autumn teaches us how to exit in style. Such a sad leaf but, like leaves, we are taken back to the earth to live again.
Thank you Kim. I appreciate that you picked up on my autumnal play on words… 🙂
I love the shape of your poem, Rob. It is true, we must embrace hope and stop searching everywhere for it. Love the Tim McGraw video, too.
Thank you Melissa…! Yes, I love the gentleness and honesty of Tim’s video. 🙂
I do love the shape, makes me think of teardrops…
I keep on crying, crying, crying, traumatic teardrops! 🙂
“a lone
brittle leaf
lost n’stranded on
life’s hardened highway
can be so easily crushed
by apathy’s traffic
so sadly hope
can too
What a perfect and sad stanza, Rob.
Thank you sara, and remember:
“so too can be the surprising power of hope ~ if one strives!”