I have fondled
the fabric of fame
and now you look
for a pattern in my life
a tincture in my clarity
a glitch in my resolve
you seek the proof
that I will forsake decency
doff this cloak of dignity
don the garb of lechery
but your search is futile
no such precedent will you find
my integrity will not crumple
I will not capitulate
not for weighty purse
nor promised power
there is nothing material
can turn my heart from love
• • •
Purse Department Sign
never fondle
or capitulate
strange sign
to be found
in the purse department
there is a glitch
in the pattern of logic
that no tincture
of common sense
can cure
any comparison
to sapient demeanor
is futile
so I doff my robes of reason
and don the garb of lunacy
• • •
Sounds like seeing the lights made you see the light.
I like the lunacy one. I can think of a couple of kitchy little shoppes where that sign would be right at home
One resolute poem and Onef un one. Both enjoyable.
I like both of these. The first is my favorite, makes a very clear and strong statement with a good use of the prompt words. Well done.
Both of these were very good, but the first one, WOW, I really loved the sentiment. I am amzzed how better poets than myself I mean YOU) can use these wordle words so effectively!
Good job! Both were fun to read` You are a wordweaver!
Keep up the resolve. Enjoyed the way you utilized the words.
Hey Rob! I loved the first poem, especially the line, “a tincture in my clarity…” What a lovely way to use that word. Brilliant.
But, then I read your second poem and was thrilled! What lunacy! I loved it. Seriously. My fave of the week.
still chuckling after I read the second one.
Well done, Rob! I enjoyed reading both of them very much!
amazing that you got all those words into a piece about “integrity”! very skillful!
Fun stuff, Rob & with a fine poetic logic!
I liked “Integrity†very much. It made a lot of sense, which is something that is hard to do with using an assorted group of words. You’re a master. I hope you will visit my blog. My poem uses only one of the words – Futile!
So important, crucial – integrity which no temptation can compromise And I like the way you used so many words from the wordle in a way that truly made logical and felt sense. Food work! And “purse department” was something altogether else – plain fun.
“Integrity” is a silky affirmation that drizzles vibrancy! And the second poem – purse department – I think of purse meaning money – and suddenly I think of a “purse” being given to the poor of medieval times or to explorers to fund their jourrney! Yes! I think I am donning the robes of lunacy!
I liked your poem integrity.The feeling of pride and integrity strikes out with fierce passion when people close to us question it.Yeah no matter what is being offered in return for bucking down,integrity matters for those value their principles.