~ Louise Brooks, fashion icon of the 1920’s ~
Chryselephantine velvet lady
jazz age beauty to mesmerize
sculpted by a master’s hand
so seductive as to scandalize
a stare of deep sable ebony
floats above a rich ruby pout
spellbound by her magic eyes
she holds your soul — no way out
tongue tip teasing tender lips
like a supple paintbrush flowing
her smile will pierce and hypnotize
then wrap around you knowing
~ Louise Brooks, flapper & dancer ~
she moves with a dancer’s gracefulness
captivating as the sweetest dream
then she burns hot as passion’s blaze
glorious exotica extreme
you are now her helpless captive
quite hopelessly addicted
in the velvet grip of her mystery
is she an angel — or is she wicked
~ Louise Brooks, silent films actress ~
rob kistner © 2022
More poetry at: Sunday Muse
Mary Louise Brooks
Music my Jazz B aby recommends !
She is wickedly angelic ~~~ you done her proud, Rob!
Thank you Helen — she is wonderfully wicked isn’t she my friend! 😉
Very real depiction of a woman who, during that era, was referred to as a Vamp¬
Thank you Larry… viva la’vamp!
She can certainly hold the onlooker captive. A wonderful poem capturing her Rob!
Thank you Carrie. It was great fun gathering background on this fascinating woman.
I see her as neither devil nor angel, simply a knowledge bringer to the viewer. She may ask, “What is it that gives you pleasure to behold?” but only we can answer the question for ourselves.
I agree with you. It’s all in the eye, and disposition of the beholder Rommy.
She’s both, I suspect. Love the postmodern jukebox selections.
Innocent as a child, wicked as knowing smile… 😉 …glad you liked those Shay. I find their music addictive.
Yes, a vamp, and there are likely to be broken hearts in the end – on either side.
Indubitably Sherry, indubitably… 🙂
She’s wicked, Rob. Been there, done that.
But it’s nice until you find that out.
Sorry for the first one, I wouldn’t let me write but it would paste.
Absolutely bewitching my friend… 😉
Goodness gracious, one hardly needs the picture now.
Great picture though… 🙂
We are all about Post modern jukebox in this family! And yes, sounds like she is your kind of angel :). ha.
Love their music!! Followed Haily ever since she was on American Idol years ago.
The second to last verse is my favourite and the music videos so supporting.
Happy Sunday Rob
much ????love
Thank you Gillena… ???????????
She the center of attention and then gone before the reality takes hold–a searing myth of celebrity.
My poem is a myth, but Louise was quite the real life ledgend… 🙂
What a mesmerising lady – not quite attainable, just out of reach. Hypnotically captured Rob.
Thank you Marion… 🙂
One lascivious lady!
Lascivious and lusciuos.
A great response to the image you chose, Rob. Love the music you shared! 🙂
Thank you Sunra, glad you enjoyed it… 🙂
Perfect portrait of a seductress in rhyme! Love it!
Thank you Sara… 🙂