
“Indigo Sky Mares” by: Laurel Burch




– NOTE: “jumping” as in steeplechase. –

I am hunkered down
leaned forward low
my knees gripped firm
to stay fluid in the flow

rising effortlessly high
t’ward clouds of pearl white
clearing every hurdle
landing sure and light

steed of goddess magic
possessed of purest heart
endurance that’s olympic
ride’s steady from the start

I gallop her freely reined
letting soar the sterling soul
her spirit not restrained
the joy of freedom is the goal

arching gracefully through the air
jumping an indigo sky mare

~ ~ ~

Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

rob kistner © 2021


Dig Mick and Flo here! Incredible!

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23 thoughts on “Jumping”

    1. My wife is the horsewoman Helen, having owned horses since childhood, and ridden both Western and English in competitions around Ohio. She was quite an impressive rider and jumper. Me, I tried once, galded my ass, and retired immediately to be a fervent supporter of my wife’s riding endeavors.

  1. Rob, I love what the sky mares symbolize in your poem and I love your quote at the end.

    “Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!”

    Not sure who Flo is but her and Mick sound great together!

  2. That is a great song choice to go with your magical poem. I can see those horses jumping, freedom the goal.

    My aunt had horses for a while when I was growing up. One day, we were riding and something spooked the horse and she jumped the fence with me on it and ran down the road. It was exciting and scary all at the same time.

    1. Thank uou True. What a tremendous and terrifying experience! I am not good with horses, but my wife has ridden and jumped since childhood. She gently mocks my fear. But I do find horses quite beautiful, and I love to watch her do her horsey thing… 🙂

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