What we truly need — balance.

life is balance
the keeping of it
the regaining of it
when lost
life is awesome
an experience of the profound
it is the mystery
we are not meant to solve
to celebrate
with grace
and wonder
so wonder powerfully
and dream ferociously
carry those dreams
in open hands
so promise’s winds
catch them to soar
bestow those dreams
wings of faith
to carry you
to wisdom’s shore
share those dreams
with an open mind
resonate truth
inspire others to be more
offer those dreams
in peace to all
in love to all
love is the door
the gateway
to the great mystery
love is all you need
in the end
the love you take
is the love you make
so share love
make love
love with great freedom
with great abandon
with gratitude
with the power of the spheres
just as the butterfly
lights upon the petal
so too
hold love
love is the truth
love maintains the balance
rob kistner © 2020
Outstanding, makes me flash on the late 60’s, peace and love, flower stems in rifle barrels, the “summer of love”, Beatle lyrics, sex/drugs/and rock n’ roll . So true, love is, and has always been the common denominator.
Love seems a simple concept Glenn, isn’t it. Just “do unto others” — but so, so fucking hard to achieve… because we need, and we ‘want’, and we die. Life so easily becomes a survival game — then it’s everyone for themself. You’re first… after me!
Very solid & direct, Rob, and I happy you dropped us a couple Beatles pops.
Love those dreams…
Love that balance — now, if I could only find it… 😉
Rob, this could be the first chapter of the Now Testament of The Bible. You’re right, it is a simple concept but not how we’ve been indoctrinated. Great Moody Blues to go along with your vadic voice.
So contrary to our manufactured vision of life.
poetically powerful, love and balance are crucial for peace and contentment!
Yes indeed Kate! 🙂
Peace and harmony should not be a pipe dream.
Not in what is supposed to be a civilized world.
Words of wisdom Rob. Nicely said – and the Moody Blues to boot.
Thank you Peter… 🙂
This is very beautiful Rob. The simple truth is the one we need to get hold of … Love is the key! Your quote on balance is so important… something greatly needed in our time! We seem to thing it is all about me when in reality is is all about us!!
Thank you Dwight. We must find balance soon in this world, or we may never get it back.
Yes, “the greatest of these is love”.
Yes it is Lynn… 🙂
Beautiful, Rob:
‘wonder powerfully
and dream ferociously’
What excellent advice! I like how you wove some Beatles’ lyrics in there too – peace and love to you ????
Thank you Ingrid! I enjoyed writing this as it comes easily from my heart.
I do apologise for the question marks at the end of my last comment: was supposed to be the ‘Amen’ emoji but looks like some code didn’t quite translate there!
Mine is an 15-year-old WordPress “Theme” Ingrid, so it doesn’t understand emojis — or much of anything current tech. But I have well over 2,000 poems and hundreds of drafts on here, along with hundreds of pictures. I am TERRIFIED of updating to a new “Theme” for fear I would lose all these years of work. I have all my poems and lyrics from 1963 to 2005 on typed paper, so I wouldn’t lose everything — but I can’t risk all my digitally stored work being lost! I keep saying I am going to back it up, but I have procastenated… and I really don’t know how? 🙁
Yes, all you need is love, Rob. Over the years, I’ve lost my balance a lot and have been lucky to have someone to tip me up again with love. The lines I will take away as my mantra this week are:
‘in the end
the love you take
is the love you make’.
Thank you? I live by that same msntra myself Kim — thank you John & Paul… 🙂
Love is the key…we need to resurrect it in our public spaces.
Hell Kerfe, just kindness between humans eould be a step up!
It’s really so simple… but it seems like we have lost the message for something more centered on self.
Because as humans, we are aware that we die, which gives a hyper sense of survival, which intensifies the “me” over the “us” — we grow “self-ish”. It is the blooming of our ego. The older and closer to the realization of our death, this “knowing” our death keeps getting closer, I believe, lays the underlying groundwork for the, perhaps subconscious, “fear of death”. This sparks the drives to want to live longer, to live better, to live higher, to have more — to buffer ourselves from the reality of death. Its the “every person for themselves” syndrome. True love of another can diminish this affect of “me first”, but not in everyone. Thus, we get the uneven human need for power, control, dominance — when fueled by fear, the seeds for evil. An exaggerated grasp at protection from the inevitable. We know, in a complex cognitive way, we are vulnerable. Makes us insecure — dangerous. Other species do not have a complex awareness and understanding of their inevitable death. They have instincts to survive when they face imminent danger — instinctual programming, not inflated egoistic fear, need, and demand run amuck. Makes us capable of unspeakable things. Not necessarily a fertile ground for altruistic love. That can only happen if we learn to overcome our “adult”, “death aware” nature. Not easy to do, even impossible for some. So peace, love, flowers, and woodstock is by no means a given. Of course, this is all just my opinion, based on my nearly 74 years of observing the human animal. I’m no expert.
Beautiful take on the prompt! I felt the peace and love vibes in my hippie soul. How sad that it all fell apart then and here we are now…wondering if it could get any worse or if the inhumanity will ever end. Will love ever win?
Love MUST win Mother. My hippie soul tells me it can — it must for Gaia, and her human tribe to flourish. I haven’t lived nearly 74 years believing that peace, love, and intelligence will find a way — to stand by and see these trampled beneath the feet of humankind’s baser instincts. Perhaps good people have turned the other cheek for too long. Maybe being passively resigned to the perpetraters of evil is not the way. Whether it requires an extreme culling of the tribe to remove the evil is something my peaceful self has been truly struggling with the past few years — since the extinguishing of the Obama light. It goes against my nature, but the continuing greedy, destructive, and heartless ways must end, or perhaps be brought to an end. I, at my age and health, and that of my Aquarian generation, can’t mount the resistance. We lack the stamina, and too many among us have lost tge vision, have been turned during the mine-me-first Reagan 80’s. But I fear the phone-staring, video-game-playing, ear-bud-wearing, gym-shoe-buyin’, hipster, apathetic coming generation may be on a wrong path. I feel they need leaders to show them they need to tear away from the gadgets, games, and google. Stop with the selfies and emojis, and look out, see the big picture of the withering world, snd speak in forceful, full sentences, to denounce the evil. They need to raise their heads and think. REFUSE HUXLEY’S SOMA! Stare down the corruption, and really see the abuse of the planet — not to just be aware of it, but to act on it. I know for certain, that some are trying — but trying won’t get it done. Like Nike says — *just do it* !! Organize on a large scale, activate on a broad scale — and do it. It breaks my heart to say it — but me and my generation, we failed. They, who are coming after us, can’t — or humankind and this great spaceship earth, truly are fucked! Of course, just my opinion.
“Love is the truth. Love maintains the balance”
Much wisdom in these words!
Thank you Mary! It is rallying to these words, without the attachment of religions, nationalities, separatist isms, and agendas, that may still save our planet and our species. And the fact that some may roll their eyes and snicker, or worse, deny and denounce this reality — proves we may be heading the wrong way, to the eve of destruction. Of course, just my opinion.