Like A Prayer

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Inspired” by: rob kistner © 8/19/24

A gentle breeze
whispers in the cedar boughs
these patient sentinels
ever watching over
this whitewater
high-mountain river

a zephyr wafts downstream
brushes my face
tosses my hair
and dances past me
‘round the bend

a hushed gasp
escapes my lips

like a prayer

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse


28 thoughts on “Like A Prayer”

  1. Touched by the sacred. Wonderful. I imagine that is you in your digital artwork. Great Loggins & Messina tune also. I wonder how many people have used that as a wedding song?

  2. You have the ability to capture the beauty of nature in your own special way. I am always listening to the whispers of nature, like a prayer waiting to be sung.

    Thanks for the music selections – enjoyed them this evening

  3. I agree with Ren nature is religion, and you have captured that in your poem, Rob. We are lucky to live in such different landscapes and find the beauty of it all, you with your cedar forest, white waters and mountains, and me with my flat fields, oak trees and slow life on the Norfolk Broads. Either way, hushed gasps and prayers abound.

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