


keeps dark at bay
pressing in

night wind stirs

mocking breath
of life now lost
to lightless realm
beyond the chill
encircling me

no emotion

save grief

cannot look
at broken stair
where rail eluded
grasp-less hand

ankle bent

held oranges spilled

no voice came
to futile cry

those lips
will not know again
sweet fruit

nor love

moon caresses
tender neck
once softly kissed

now broken

blackness presses in


version 2:


keeps dark at bay
pressing in
as night wind stirs

the mocking breath
of life now lost
to light-less realm
beyond the chill
encircling me

no emotion
save grief

oranges spilled
on broken stair
where rail eluded
grasping hand

no voice came
to futile cry

those lips
will not know again
sweet fruit

nor love


version 3:


moonlight pressing in

night wind mocking

life now lost
beyond this chill

no emotion

save grief

a broken stair
a grasp-less hand
an ankle bent
held oranges spilled

futile cry

those lips
will not know again
sweet fruit

nor love

tender neck
once softly kissed

now broken

blackness presses in


rob kistner © 2007

2 thoughts on “Lost”

  1. Thanks! I checked out the ring. Some nice work included. I appreciate being included.

    –and so it goes–

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