it’s definitely a tough world
a fractured world
a frightening situation
feels like it’s all
coming completely apart
hard to keep going at times
damned difficult
keeping your head above water
makes one crazy sometimes
the constant bad news
climate degradation
ecological collapse
runaway gas prices
political turmoil
lies masquerading as truth
sometimes it’s just too much
almost makes you wanna hide
but remember
no matter how overwhelming
no matter how disheartening
even terrifying
things might be
you always have me
my love
and if we
as mindful inhabitants
of this fragile planet
will extend each other
and love
this fractured world
can be nurtured and healed
and darkness will sustain no grip
…keep that love light burning!
rob kistner © 2022
Poetry at: The Sunday Muse
more poetry at: earthweal
even more poetry at: Poets & Storytellers
As a proud conscientious elder of the planet, I present — “The Dead”
…and Michael, in one of his finest moments…
I feel the same way. I am growing quieter and quieter under the weight of the news. I LOVE your closing stanza. We do have to keep the love light shining.
Most definitely we do Sherry!
What a wonderful poem Rob….enjoyed this so much.
Thank you Rall, very much — I appreciate your kind words. 🙂
‘Patience, understanding and love’ – surely the only way forward. Well said Rob!
Thank you Ingrid… 🙂
Yes indeed – to everything this says.
Yes indeed Rosemary, glad this resonated for you. 🙂
This chimes with a thought I had yesterday, stressed from reading about yet another fracture & receiving “Extreme Heat Alerts” but looking around the quiet restaurant and seeing a family making an effort to talk to a woman seated by herself (and seeming to want to talk). Tiny gestures matter.
It is the tiny gestures, that can occur daily, between regular folk like me, that make civilization caring and civilized. The grand gestures are nice, but they often do not sustain — though they certainly can stimulate mindfulness in our society. But it is the day to day that elevates the human tribe.
It definitely feels that way… I hope patience, love and understanding can save the day.. at least save the planet.
As do I, Rajani, as do I… 🙂
Good job Rob!!!
You made the perfect response to them, the pictures, all for me as I read. Since I agree with every thought I’ll just say, “We are doing a P P job of being a steward, and following the Golden Rule.”
We have far to go as a species. Our supposed superior brains certainly don’t seem to have served us well. We have learned how to do more and more global damage. Time to pull our heads out and learn from the rest of the animals how to live in balance with this planet.
such an hopeful ending…loved the pictures incorporated here…they make the grim situations a bit lighter.
Glad you found this engaging… 🙂
A timely reminder that no matter how bad things become, goodness still abounds.
Sometimes you need to look a little harder — but it ’s there!