Standing at the morning window
I watch the boulevard below
last night’s rain puddles
midst the chaos of metro-clutter
held hostage
by tire and curb
as if abandoned
by the waters of earth
it shoulders its way
through the labyrinth
of clutter and gutter
in search of mother sea
this day begins golden and crisp
bird songs echo empty sunrise streets
I sit by this sun-filled window
with chai tea and curiosity
quietly serenaded
by the flocking feathered choir
and by the mourning news
prattling on the big screen
my ipad next to me
I peck at it periodically
attempting to write
I glimpse the tv sporadically
growing troubled by the broadcast
our continuing human plight
we can’t seem to get it right
amazing how we just never learn
when the answers seem so clear
but our egos are so dear
that neither side can hear
what the other side is saying
so everyone keeps playing
these apocalyptic games
keep it up — the world will burn
why do we
blindly and so stubbornly
choose to initiate and navigate
this labyrinth of insanity
repeating these same antics endlessly
nothing will be changed
just the same picture rearranged
as round’n’round we stumble
“we’re seeking peace”
said in a mumble
feigning wanting to get out
when in fact we just stay in
then right back around again
my patience is growing thin
round’n’round’n’round we go
caught in our ignorance
trapped by our arrogance
gambling with our existence
addicted to the maze
we never leave
this labyrinth of greed and deception
in this moment
the tv drones
my frustration rises
reality grips
my spirit slips
my mind drifts
lifting on the vapor ribbons
wafting from my steaming cup
no longer looking up
I just stare
the news anchor looks absurd
the lips continue sculpting words
but not a single one I’ve heard
deaf to what’s being said
I’m deep into my thoughts instead
imagining how different it would be
if love and logic ruled this labyrinthic world
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry Inspired by Ecological Change: Earthweal
How different it would be indeed, Rob! I feel your frustration. Thank you for adding your voice to the challenge:
round’n’round’n’round we go
caught in our ignorance
trapped by our arrogance
we never leave
the labyrinth
– it certainly seems that way to me sometimes!
When the leaders of all major aspects of our lives, have greed and maintaining their personal grasp of power, as their two top items on their daily agendas — how the hell are any problems getting addressed. Doubly true because the problems will never become part of the solution. It is completely non-self-serving. This catch 22 is killing the earth, and we people on it. Perhaps or young riding up in anarchy is not a terrible idea in the long run. Anarchy may be where we are headed Ingrid.. I pray it is driven by intelligent, moral, young visionaries.
just the same picture rearranged…yes.
Making oneself busy doing nothing but rearranging the same problems, and giving thrm a new perspective with a new name — is not progress. Don’t try to same coal and fossil fuel by trying to process it differently. STOP USING IT. We have renewable wind power, ocean power, kinetic power, solar power — these should be giant energy industry commitments, with high focus improvement and global roll out efforts. Tradition vision in thr Plastics Industry is a deadend disaster. We should be capturing and recycle the waste elements of all industry. And climate change should be the top priority focus of all government and industry – not second shelved, or worse, denied. Oh sure, we’ll get to it soon, while primarily placating people with straw efforts, or lip service — or doing nothing. I guess, like the movie “Wall-E” — when we have fucked up earth, we can send the survivors of the human race into space!? Then hope the earth regenerates a healthy self.
You have captured the insanity of the times. Circling round and round as we haven’t learned to slow down and contemplate our next steps. Before you know it we will circle off course with no way out of this labyrinth we have created.
Reality grips
my spirit slips
my mind drifts
hold steady to hope
walking an uneven slope
dreams help us cope
There is an old saying: “Doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result == insanity”. “Having things worsen and worsen, but pretending it is not == denial”. Pretty much sums up what the overlying and undermining problems are. Reminds me of character on an older comedy series, Steve Erkle. He would screw something up, and then step back and say, feigning perplexion, “Did I do that!?” Lotsa fake surprise or downright denial continues.
Keep daydreaming of how different it could be Rob. If enough of us believe in change maybe we can make it happen. At this point, I agree, it could go either way. The news is appalling. I find I am listening less. I check in every evening to see what’s going on but I am staying away from it a lot. It destroys my equilibrium. Gardening, listening to the birds, doing creative stuff inside my little house – these things help me stay sane. Writing is a great tool and we can communicate and support each other through our blogs. Finding inner peace seems to be crucial right now .
Seems truth has gone out of style Suzanne.
The churning isn’t going to stop of its own discord, for sure, and there are only a couple of answers: 1) learn to surrender or 2) kill the beast, which at this point only a meteor strike might effect. Great work here naming the horror and perplexity of it.
Anarchy may be what is coming?
The labyrinh of insanity. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the clinging to the very situations that are causing us such harm. A wonderful write, Rob, that I resonate with completely.
Thank you Sherry.