Love’s Dreams

~ In the face of the horrors of our times, I chose, rather I need to focus on love for this entire week — then I will wade back into the sewer we call the world these days… but as Scarlett put it, “I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow.” for me — next week! ~


We place our dreams in our open palms
so the winds of fortune
will make them soar

we enrich our dreams with the gift of song
so their harmony’s sweet
and their sound is pure

we bestow our dreams the wings of trust
so they lift and carry
to wisdom’s shore

we share our dreams today — and always
so our love will bind them

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


40 thoughts on “Love’s Dreams”

    1. You are welcome Ron. I have been feelin’ love the past few days, the feeling of surrendering to it, its nurturing essence, its ethereal ability to lift one up. I been so down, this is the lash-back at all the negative. I even been crying at love songs, like the two I featured here.

  1. Damn–nary a bitch nor a whimper regarding the state of the world; good on you. What would the world be without the dreamers and poets? A damned sad place for sure.

    1. I am bunkering my emotions my friend. It has been a bloody, bruising couple of weeks for me personally. I need to think about love for another week — then I will wade back into the sewer we call the world these days… but as Scarlett put it, “I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow.” for me — next week?

    1. Thank you Helen. This week it’s love for me. I will focus again on the horrors in this fucked up world next week. They will certainly and sadly, still be here. Ever growing — never going… away!

  2. Beautifully. I especially resonate with the second stanza. I don’t know what some of us would do without music and songs that speak and carry our dreams.

    1. Thank you Mish! Music is indeed, the soundtrack of our lives. With us through the best of times, and through the worst of time. Whether joy, sorrow, fear, or doubt – throw back your head, and sing it out!

    1. Thank you Punam. Dreams make us seek, and reach, and strive, and believe , and hopefully succeed — all the things beautiful about being human! 🙂

  3. Rob, dear dVerse friend….I am so late to the reading and just now posted to this prompt —- and now I’ve found this from you. I am so sorry you’ve had some tough and discouraging times. YES — it is time to focus on the love then. Let it embrace you and let the emotions, be they tears or laughter or wonder flow. May you be feeling a happiness begin to glow from the inside out, very soon.

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