Love’s Fool

“Sad Harlequin” by: Lladro


The moment of not-spring — is still
has no bold herald — just a date
in time

no upheaval in my earth’s crust
no disturbance of gravity
it’s mute

the moment of not-spring passes
as can the moment of not-love

they both pass by me — so quiet
no disruption — no disturbance

but when I realized love died
the pain was so unbearable
I wailed

as it broke my earth wide open
and the stars fell from my heaven


when I think back — I did not know
that I was losing you — my love

I should have spent more time with you
and less time building my ego

such regret

rob kistner © 2022

More poetry at:dVerse


28 thoughts on “Love’s Fool”

  1. You just described my decade as an Actor, all ego, little compassion. After 40 years I did some theater here, and that was a hoot; didn’t need make-up to play an old man. You kicked the prompt’s butt. The form faded under the awesome weighgt of your words and message.

    1. I can do relate to chasing ego. That is what it was got me initially, on stage, fronting my band, people staring up, moving to the motion of my body, or the change in my voice — applause… it was s drug, and I was addicted. And the praise when coming off stage, the groupies, the posse of followers — being a lesser idol was exhilarating… but it distorted reality. Made me an asshole for a few years. But I got over it when a fellow band member OD’d at a party. I didn’t feel wuite so immortal after that. We sll grow up, though part of me is still resisting. 😉

  2. Ye gods….that hit….and as your words so eloquently say, with such rawness….those moments really hit, very, very much…brings memories flooding back….strongly, such a pity…

  3. ‘Not-spring .. not-love’ ~~ quite the clever contractions!! You are a great story-teller. Well done, Rob.

  4. Rob, you evoked the blue of not-spring and the regret of not-love so well here, the feelings of powerlessness and forced waiting for what comes after the unpleasantness.

    1. Ahh, I can’t type today, “woked ewlly” should be “worked really”. I shouldn’t be allowed on a keyboard without close supervision!

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