



your smile was so smug as you wrecked my life
with your promise that we would never part
your lips pursed in scoff as you plunged the knife
I think I always knew you’d break my heart
my starting this affair was just not smart

you said you loved me — you seemed so sincere
but your integrity proved weak my dear
there was evidence that you might not stay
it was plain as day — couldn’t be more clear
but this lovesick fool simply looked away

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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  • 17 thoughts on “Lovesick”

        1. The graphic you chose fit this perfectly. Denial is a defense mechanism. For an idealist, there is always a hope, no matter how foolish or distant, that things will change. The “things” could be one person, the other person, the circumstances, the perspective, etc.

          1. Thank you Lisa. For the Pollyanna’s and Annie’s of the world — “the sun’ll come up tomorrow”… no matter what evidence there might be to the contrary.

    1. Nailed it, bother, using solid story line to keep our focus, so that we would not pay much attention to the form. You aced the form, and yet somehow made it nearly invisible; great work.

      1. Thank you Glenn. I initially found the form awkward, unnatural — but I have worked to, like you say, make the form inconspicuous. I am pleased this worked for you.

        1. For me Glenn, rhyming poetry needs to be lyrical. Probably because I wrote lyrics for my bands fo two decades. My preference is still writing free verse, using line breaks for clarity and impact.

    2. That is some heartbreak to experience but maybe the lovesick guy just wasn’t paying close attention to the signs. Time can be a healer of broken hearts.

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