Moving On



Moving On


you smile so sweetly as you break my heart
then you kiss my lips, set my soul aglow
with a promise that we will never part
saying you’ll never leave — then off you go
can I trust you, love, I just do not know

you say you love me, but are you sincere
your credibility is weak my dear
all the evidence points the other way
i’m just not sure, the truth is so unclear
so goodbye — I’ll be moving on today

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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    Poetry Form: Dizain

  • 26 thoughts on “Moving On”

      1. Myrna, I agree with you. Thr key I believe is having the courage, if one is in a continuing unrepairable, bad relationship, to walk away graciously and gracefully. Not easy!

    1. Ah, another bitter love poem. So well done, this one. The rhyme is perfect. I have seen too many people try to redeem betrayed love only to put off the bitter end. I like the solution process in your poem.

      1. Thank you Gillena! I spend almost as much time choosing the image as I do writing the verse. Occasionally, I begin with an image, and write to it. I also create digital art or collages if I can’t find the right image. Hence, the name of my creative site — Image & Verse.

    2. i’m just not sure, the truth is so unclear
      so goodbye — I’ll be moving on today

      One way to tell them off is to go off the scene. Very easily accomplished. Good strategy Rob!


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